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"Baby?" I called, peeking over to look at the kitchen where I heard the noises coming from. A smile instantly made its way to my lips when I saw Amaya's back turned to me. Not wasting any time, I made my way to her, snaking my arms around her waist tightly and burying my face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating and sweet scent.

"Hi," I mumbled, placing a chaste kiss to her neck.

"Did you have fun with your friends?" She asked, turning to then hand me a glass of iced coffee she was busy making when I came in. I placed it on the side and kissed her deeply, moving my lips slowly with hers.

I nodded when she ended the kiss after a few seconds. "Should I transfer to another university? My friends and family already knows about us, I don't want to risk anyone else finding out."

Amayah bit her lip, her arms circling around my neck. "Your friends are there, darling. I wouldn't want you to leave them. Besides, once you're enrolled, I'll make sure you're not in my class."

I pursed my lips, wanting to argue but chose not to. She doesn't have to find out I'm planning to transfer for my sophomore year, at least not yet. Besides, I'm still thinking. I know she would just be against it, but her safety is my number one priority right now. If me transferring would be better for our relationship, I'll gladly do it.

"So, uh..." I started nervously, avoiding her eyes. "My friends told me something... about Aaron and our situation."

"What about it?"

I sighed, trying to calm my nerves. "I know you said we'll wait until we're ready, but what exactly do you mean when you say ready? It's just... I love Aaron and I wouldn't want him to be mad at us when he finds out, specially when it's already been so long. I... Do you get what I'm saying?"

"Can we sit down?" I nodded as she then pulled me over to the dining table. "I know you're serious about me, about us... but I don't want to tell Aaron about this if I'm not 100 percent sure. I don't want to risk it, he's still a child."

My brows furrowed, confused. "What do you mean?"

Amayah bit her lip and I can see that she's having a hard time trying to explain it to me. "I'm not asking you to take responsibility of also being a parent to Aaron–"

"I want to though," I cut her off. "I'm with you, of course he's also my responsibility."

"Baby," she sighed. "You're young, don't you think it's a bit too early to be a parent? We don't have to tell him yet. For now, he sees you as his friend, I'm good with that."

"You're okay with Aaron not knowing we're in a relationship?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes, for now," Amayah answered with a bite to her lip.

"When will you be ready then?"

"When you are," she answered vaguely, not giving me a straight answer.

"What do you mean by that?"

"When I know our relationship isn't just a passing phase to you, that you won't leave me behind. I don't what to introduce you to Aaron as a parent when you're not ready for that kind of commitment yet. It's a big responsibility, Aiden. I just want you to see that."

"Passing phase? Leave you behind?" I repeated, the words leaving a bad taste in my mouth. "Is that how you see me? Someone who will just throw away our relationship?"

"That's not what I meant–"

"Then how did you mean it? Because those words were pretty clear to me, Amayah. Haven't I proven myself to you?" I asked, getting angry by the second. I tried to calm myself, I didn't want to make this a big thing but her words– no matter how much I try not to– affect me so much. 

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