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Gripping the box tighter, I walked along with Professor Peterson, contemplating whether I should ask about the examination results or not. Pursing my lips, I decided to just go for it since I'm already holding the said papers in my hands.
"Professor," I called to get her attention, and she hummed in reply. "I kind of have a question, if you don't mind."
To my confusion, she chuckled before I could even ask the question. "I can't believe I already know what you're going to say. Curious about your grade?" A playful smile plastered on her face as she gave me a side glance. Although embarrassed that she caught on easily, I nodded. "I can't tell you, Aiden. You have to wait like the rest." She patted my cheek with her soft hand, catching me off guard. 
Her hand feels nice and smooth. 
Compared to my flustered state simply by her mere touch, Professor Peterson nonchalantly removed her hand from my face and went back to staring ahead as we walked to the parking lot. 
"How'd you know that's what I was going to ask?" 
"I've been teaching for 10 years, Aiden. You're not the only student of mine who would pester me for their grades. Is that why you offered to help carry my stuff?" Professor Peterson questioned playfully. 
"I-I'm not pestering you!" I blurted out a bit defensively, although I knew she was just teasing. 
"You didn't deny the last part." She laughed lightly when the realization showed on my face. 
But I helped her out of kindness! I wasn't doing it for a personal agenda. 
Before I could defend myself again, Professor Peterson burst into laughter, the edges of her eyes crinkling as she looked at my defeated look. I furrowed my eyebrows, pouting unconsciously, as I left the laughing woman behind and marched towards her car.
"Oh, wow," she breathes out, chuckling. "You're really easy to tease. You look cute when you're mad." 
The sudden compliment caught me off guard, only having heard the word come from my parents, and that was when I was younger. Blushing, I looked away from her to try and hide my reddening cheeks. I stayed quiet as we reached her car, waiting as she opened the door before placing the box of papers in the backseat. 
"You're coming tomorrow, right?" She asked after turning the engine on, looking up at me from the window. 
My eyebrows rose in confusion. "Tomorrow?" Did we make plans I'm not aware of? 
"For Aaron? Babysitting?" Professor Peterson said, also confused. Blushing, I nodded. Of course, it's about that. Why would I think I would spend time with her tomorrow? 
"I-I am. See you tomorrow, Miss Peterson. Drive safe." I waved goodbye as she sped off, but not before giving me a wave back. 
Walking with my head down, I put both of my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. I didn't realize how fast I was walking and how stupid it was to walk while staring at the floor when I bumped into a person pretty hard. The stranger hit their face on my breast, making me groan in pain before they stumbled down. 
"I-I'm so sorry." I stuttered out and offered my hand in order to pull her up. The girl had her head down, not accepting my hand. "Miss, are you okay?" 
My eyes widened when she started crying, looking up at me with sadness all over her face. I kneeled down beside her. 

But she just fell down!
"I'm really sorry; I didn't mean to make you fall and get hurt," I rushed out. "Where does it hurt?" 
Should I bring her to the clinic?
"I'm not okay!" The girl wailed, making my eyes widen in surprise. "My mom and dad are getting a divorce, and my dick of a boyfriend broke up with me for some fucking dumb reason! Then I had to go home because I forgot my project at home, which is due in an hour, and now you made me fall. I'm going to have a broken family, I'm single, and I'm about to fail my class! So I'm not okay!" She was full-on sobbing, tears streaming down her face as she tossed her bag in anger. 
"I...I-" Why do I feel like it's all my fault?
"Do you need a hug?" I don't know why I asked that. 
Calming down from her crying, she nodded. "Yes, please." 
I was a bit hesitant to go for it at first, but I didn't have time to think when the girl took it upon herself to wrap her arms around my waist. Awkwardly, I placed my arms around her, patting her back slowly. 
"Do you have a ride home?" I asked after a while of us just sitting on the dirty ground, in the middle of the campus, with people probably staring at us. 
"Yes," she mumbled quietly.
Oh, thank goodness, I forgot I don't have a car. 
The girl then pulled away and wiped her face. "Thank you for listening and the hug." With that, she stood up and walked away like nothing happened. 
"You're welcome?"

————— - ————— - ————— 

"Are you really sure you can handle it?" I asked, probably for the fifth time, as Aaron held the knife with an already annoyed expression. I chuckled at that. 
"As I've said earlier, Aiden, I can handle it; I'm not a child," he grumbled. 
"Alright, sorry." Laughing, I raised my hands up. "Forgot you're a 30-year old man inside a little boy's body." 
After giving all the instructions, I guided him through every single step. From preparing the ingredients to washing and cutting them up, he insisted on doing all of it and that I should just help him through it. 
We just finished playing board games earlier, where I got pathetically defeated all the time, when Aaron informed me how stressed his mom has been the past few days. He wanted to do something for her, and cooking one of her favorite dishes is what we agreed on. He told me about Ofada stew, something his mom makes. Unfamiliar with the dish, we had to watch a tutorial. 
A smile made its way to my lips upon seeing how determined he was to cook this dish. He even made me set up a candlelit table, along with a vase of pink tulips, which according to Aaron is Professor Peterson's favorite flower. 
Once we were satisfied with the taste, I prepared the dish on the table while Aaron took the initiative to clean up the mess in the kitchen. I shook my head in amusement when I noticed how he didn't seem to know how to start cleaning up or what to do first. 
"You can start wiping the counter," I shrugged nonchalantly, going over the sink to start washing the dishes. He nodded, complying immediately. 
As soon as we finished cleaning up, the sound of their front gate opening up was heard. Aaron ran excitedly towards the door, opening it for his mom. Professor Peterson then entered the house, a smile plastered on her face as she leaned down to kiss her son's forehead.
"Hi, baby," she said before her eyes went to me. I gave a timid smile, earning a dazzling one in return. "Good evening, Aiden."
"Good evening, Miss." 
"Why do you guys look like excited puppies? Did you do something?" Curiously, her eyes wandered around before they landed on the dining area where the table was in view. 
"We prepared something for you," Aaron said, pulling his mom towards the table as I silently followed them. "Do you like it?" He asked with hopeful eyes. 
Professor Peterson was silent for a few seconds before her lips turned into a pout and Aaron's face was peppered with kisses. I smiled at the scene in front of me, Aaron's giggles echoing around the room. 
"Mom, stop!" He laughs, squirming away from her embrace. 
"You are one sweet little man." She kissed the top of his head before turning to me. "Thank you for cooking, Aiden. I appreciate the gesture." 
Chuckling slightly, I shook my head. "I actually didn't cook that one. It was all Aaron." Surprised, Professor Peterson's eyebrow raised in disbelief.
"Aiden helped me," the proud boy muttered with a wide smile.
"I'm so proud of you, baby." I knew how much her approval meant to Aaron, because as soon as she said that, his eyes lit up in joy, something I tend to notice only when he's doing the things he loves. "Want to tell me how your first cooking experience went?" 
Aaron then began to ramble about it, including the things we did before we cooked. I pulled a chair for both Professor Peterson and Aaron before sitting on mine, listening as they conversed with each other. 
I couldn't help but smile, remembering the times I used to ramble about my day to Mama every time she got home from work. Although tired, she never fails to listen to me. Giving me all of her attention instead of resting after a long day at her job. 
"Is it good?" Aaron asked excitedly when Professor Peterson took her first bite. The latter took a few seconds before answering. 
"It tastes wonderful, baby. You'd be a great chef in the future, don't you think?" I knew she was being honest, because although I'm not familiar with what an Ofada stew is supposed to taste like, it was actually delicious. 
"I'll keep it in mind," Aaron answered proudly. 
I was listening to them quietly when I felt a hand touch mine that was on top of the table. Turning to the owner, I gave Professor Peterson a questioning look. She had this smile on her face, the kind of smile she had upon hearing how excited Aaron was to play outdoor games. 
"Thank you," she muttered with a grateful smile. 


Votes and comments will truly be appreciated. Thank you for reading.


A/N: Introduced another character. She's significant.

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