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"So, uh, Aaron and I made food." I said awkwardly.

"That's so sweet of you guys. Thank you, sweetheart." A kiss to her son's forehead before sitting down at a chair she doesn't usually sit at.

I frowned involuntarily at the action. She knows I'm waiting for her to approach her usual spot so I could pull the chair for her. Trying to hide my childish pout, I took a seat next to Aaron.

"Mom, are you not mad anymore?" Aaron questioned that made me look up from eating silently.

"Mad? What do you mean?"

"You were mad earlier when you got home."

Her eyes widened slightly. "I wasn't mad earlier, sweetie. I just had a bit of problem at work. Besides, how could I be mad when my baby prepared my favorite?"

She doesn't have work earlier though?

The kid grinned from ear to ear. "Good, I don't like you upset."

Professor Peterson pinched her son's nose in endearment. I quickly looked away when she suddenly turned her head. Avoiding her eyes, I continued eating as they conversed about their day.

As soon as we finished, I took the initiative to clean up so I could get home soon because I really can't stand the atmosphere. I don't know if she's mad about something else or if it's with me. And honestly, I'm not good at confrontations. Might as well leave and give her some space and time to get her thoughts together.

Also time for me to think deeply if I really did something I'm not aware of. 

"I'll be going now, Miss. Good night." I gave a small smile as she did the same.

"Take care, Aiden."

Not darling?

Yup, I definitely did something wrong.

Sulking all the way home, I slumped down the couch where Zoey is still seated. Lexie and Julius nowhere to be seen.

"They went to his dorm." Zoey informed as she watched. "Probably going to fuck."

I chuckled a little at the joke and rested my head on her shoulder.

Zoey frowned. "What's wrong? Why do you look sad?"

"Just school stuff."

She rolled her eyes, not believing my lie. But is it really a lie?

I mean, my problem is my professor, she works at the campus, therefore it's school related. So technically, I'm not lying.

"Bullshit. Come on, tell me."

Probably confiding in Zoey could help at least a little bit to get this off my chest. I could just leave out some parts, right?

"I'm having trouble..."

"Is it about your thing? Because I'm not the nursing student here."

I groaned. "Stop making jokes regarding my stuff."

Zoey laughed. "Okay, sorry, sorry. I'm serious now. What kind of trouble?"

"The girl kind." I bit my lip. I avoided using the word woman to prevent any suspicions. They know the only people around me are them, Vera and obviously Professor Peterson.

Her blue eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, alright, girl trouble."

"Why do you look so surprised?"

"Because it's you?" She shrugged. "You're like an innocent kid, I didn't expect you to have girl troubles. Anyway, please elaborate on that." 

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