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"I was wrestling a big dog trying to attack a cat," I shrugged, answering Aaron's question.

He squinted his eyes at me. "I don't believe you, you don't even have bite marks."

"I didn't give him the opportunity to bite me, I'm that strong. See this?" I flexed my toned arms. "This is what saved that poor cat from getting eaten."

"She got hit by a car while stupidly standing in the middle of the parking lot," Amayah butted in, earning both a gasp and a glare from me.

"I knew it! You're a liar, Aide!"

"That's harsh," I pouted out my bottom lip.

The beauty smiled. "To be fair, she had a reason why she was acting stupid."

"Don't even try, too late," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah, mom. That was a bit harsh," Aaron muttered, shaking his head at his mom.

Amayah raised a brow, placing her hands on her hips. "It was just a joke, and weren't you calling her a liar literally just seconds ago?"

"I didn't call her stupid," The kid shrugged. "Which was way ruder, by the way. Right, Aide?"

I nodded repeatedly. "I agree with the kid."

"Teaming up on me, huh," Amayah clicked her tongue, turning her back on us as she walked to the kitchen. "Guess you two won't be eating lunch then. Oh, and dessert, too bad I'll have the cheesecake all by myself."

Aaron and I stood up as fast as we could, trailing behind the dark-haired beauty. The kid went to wrapped his tiny arms around her waist, giving his mom puppy eyes.

"We were joking, mom," He pouted.

"Definitely joking," I seconded and looked over her shoulder. "What did you cook for lunch?"

"Aaron's favorite and yours," She answered, bringing the dishes to the table.

"Really? I love you, mom!" The kid bounced on his feet excitedly at the mention of his favorite food. He likes eating. But who doesn't?

"An angel in disguise," I commented, eyeing the feast she served on the table. "Thank you for cooking," I grinned at the woman who only gave me a playful eyeroll.

Once Amayah finished helping Aaron, she went to my side, putting the ones I like on my plate. I touched her back appreciatively with my uninjured hand, grateful that she's taking care of me still.

"Can you eat properly? You're using your non-dominant hand," Aaron pointed out, watching me struggle a bit using only a fork to eat with one hand.

"I can manage," I answered, which was also meant for Amayah as I could see she wanted to help me more but couldn't. I think she enjoys it too much whenever she feeds me when the two of us eat together.

"Are you sure?" My girlfriend asked worriedly.

I nodded. "I swear."

After stubbornly standing my ground, I finished eating without any more help. Unfortunately, I couldn't argue Amayah into letting me help her clean the mess. Pouting and feeling useless despite the obviously minor injury, I settled on entertaining the kid instead. Aaron grabbed the box of chessboard, fixing it for the both of us.

"I've been practicing a lot with Bianca, she's really good. Hope you can still win against me," He boasted, doing his first move.

"Too early to be talking big, my guy." I did my move.

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