Containment Breach

440 5 13

Me: Ryan
Nova: Adam

Adam had shoved ryan out of the way of a stray bullet from a guard containing an out of control anomaly. The bullet had hit him in his side, causing a deep red stain to pool on to his lab coat. He wasn't sure if any vital organs were hit, but he knew for damn sure it burned and hurt like hell.

"Hey.. r.. ry.." he leaned down a little more, holding the wound with a free hand as he balanced himself against the wall. "Look at me, at my face.. don't look at anything else, 'kay?" He chuckled softly before wincing, hues flicking once to the situation in the corner of the room away from the two brothers.

Ryan heard a gunshot then felt a shove and he fell to the ground. He looked up and saw Adam standing over him, his eyes widened as he saw a red stain on his used to be white lab coat.

He heard Adam say his name but it didn't register as he continued to look at Adams hand which now covered the wound. Ryan didn't take his eyes off it till Adam spoke again and he lifted his teary eyes toward Adam's face, "Adam...why? Why did you take that bullet for me.." he asked in a broken tone. He flicked his eyes down toward Adam's hand, there was blood dripping down and onto Ryan's own lab coat.

"cause... cause it woulda hit you in the stomach..." he grunted out, muttering a soft 'fuck' from the pain. he held the wound tighter, feeling the warmth cover his hand and drip. "i'll be okay- i promise.. it didn't feel like it hit anything important." he laughed half heartedly, a little smile on his face. "y'know i could probably take a few.." he wobbles very slightly, blinking. "a few beatings." why was he losing blood so fast? his brain wasn't connecting right. everything seemed blurry. guards called to the two, saying that the anomaly was contained.

"Yeah it would have..but at least it wouldn't have hit you." Ryan said as he looked at the blood dripping from his older brothers wound. As seconds passed it seemed like there was more and more blood. He heard Adams half hearted laugh, he looked up and saw a small smile. Ryan didn't give one back, he noticed Adam start to wobble and sat up a bit, "Adam?" Ryan heard the guards call out to them and say that the anomaly was contained. He slowly got up from under Adam who was still standing over him. "Come on, we need to get you too medical quickly!" Ryan said urgently to Adam.

"dunno... dunno if i have the... strength to... walk..." the blood stain was large now, adam holding himself up against the wall. he was sweating now, taking shaky breaths. "...this what blood loss really feels like?" his eyes rolled back as his lids fluttered, losing his balance and falling to the ground. he was cold. maybe taking the bullet was a bad idea, but he didn't want ryan to go through this. it felt awful. it felt so... empty. the burning was lessening at least.

"I got you.." Ryan said as he moved to Adams side. He heard Adam's labored breathing, that was what should of scared him but it wasn't. It was Adams last words and when he saw his eyes roll into the back of his head. Ryan saw Adam fall in what seemed like slow motion, he quickly caught him before Adam hit his head on the ground. He set him carefully on the ground, "Adam!" He yelled as he gently slapped him. He looked too the guards who were still in the room, "Help me get him to medical!" He ordered. Ryan saw them nod and make their way over, one guard got Adam's leg's and the other one got his torso. Ryan led them out and they made their way toward medical quickly. As soon as they got there the doctor took Adam in and the door shut in Ryan's face. Ryan frowned, he started to pace back and forth in front of the medical door. It felt like hours went by.

for adam, it felt like a pristine fog. like he was floating in a dark void in a pure white outfit. maybe this was walking the line of life and death.. or even purgatory. he could feel the pokes and prods of doctors, his heartbeat on the monitor low as they worked to remove the bullet. the poking and sliding of the stitches, the blood transfusion. he just wanted ryan to be okay, he didn't think he would be this close from death taking him into their sweet embrace. though, working at the foundation, you have a lot of tangoes with death. doctors had taken an hour or more, making sure adam was stable before sending him off to a recovery bed. nurses were closely monitoring him.

Ryan purked up as a doctor came in, "How is he? Is he okay?" The doctor nodded at him, "He's stable right now but nurses are monitoring him right now." Ryan opened his mouth but the doctor already beat him to it, "Yes you can visit him, it'll have to be quick though." Ryan smiled softly and nodded, he must've looked like a wreck if the doctor was taking pity on him. He was still wearing his lab coat which still had Adam's blood on it, his hair messy from him running his hand through it hundreds of times, and his eyes red rimmed from him crying.

The doctor lead Ryan to Adam's recovery room. When they get there, he walked in and took a seat next to Adams bed, "Hey.." he said in a soft voice. He took Adam's hand into his and started to tear up, "I don't have much time but..I just wanted to say I love you and you're my hero."

Adam barely opened his eyes, long hair splayed out on the pillow and heart monitor beating steadily. he gave a breathy chuckle, closing his eyes again and licking his lips. "i love you too... and m' just doing what a big brother oughta do.." he took a deep breath, a grunt interrupting it. "fucking- ow.."

Ryan looked to Adam and softly smiled, "Well maybe you have to take it down a notch for a bit..can't have you dying on us.."

He heard Adam grunt, "Easy now, you can't go tearing your stitches already." He heard the doctor come in, "Ryan..times up. You can visit him tomorrow." Ryan nodded to the doctor and turned back to Adam, "I have to go now but I'll be back tomorrow." He squeezed Adam's hand gently.

"i wish you didn't have to go, but.." he laughed softly, weakly squeezing the others hand back, "you got work to do.. i'll try not to rip my stitches, but you know i'm not one to just lay back.." he took a softer breath, opening his eyes a little again to look at ryan. "Make sure jack doesn't get into any trouble while i'm out for the count, okay ry? I love you guys.. so much."

Ryan chuckled and nodded, "Don't worry I'll keep a close eye on him. We love you so much too." He smiled and slowly made his way to the door. He turned and smiled one last time to Adam before leaving. Once out he looked down at his lab coat and sighed, "This was my favorite one." He made his way to his room.

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