After control

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Cw: Some sexual innuendos at the end.
Canon timeline.
Sherman, Adam: Me
Terry, Jack: Nova

It had been two months since the whole Nelson controlling Terry and Adam incident. Sherman liked to think he had been doing fine..he really wasn't. He was in his and Terry's shared room, in his bed, staring at the ceiling as he thought about how Nelson was still alive somehow and how he called him..sweetie. He shuddered. He looked over to Terry who was sleeping next to him, he ran a hand through his hair softly.

Adam was in his room laying on his bed, he's been trying to go to sleep but everytime he closed his eyes he can only see himself shooting Jack. "Fuck..." He said as he ran a hand down his face. He looked at his clock, it read 2 am. He knew that Jack might not be up at this hour but...he had to make sure that he was okay. He got up, walked out of his room and toward Jack's room. He knocked.

Jack was up, sitting and watching tv quietly when he heard the knock. Ryan had slept over since Jack was having nightmares lately, sleeping quietly.. thank god he was a heavy sleeper. Jack got up, rubbing the spots he got shot as he was still healing, opening the door slowly. "hey Adam... can't sleep either?" he laughed softly, a tired smile on his face. he won't ever blame Adam for his injuries, he only blames Nelson for it. It was Nelsons actions.

terry was snoring a little loudly, falling asleep as close to sherman as he possibly could. he didn't forgive himself for what he said, and he's had the bad taste of those words in his mouth for months on end.

Sherman smiled softly as he heard Terry snore. He didn't blame Terry for what he said, it was Nelson's fault.. Yes, it still hurt a bit but that hurt is because of usual. He pulled Terry closer to him.

Adam nodded, "..Yeah.." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He glanced down at Jack's stomach, he..did that to him. He knows that it wasn't actually his fault, he just can't help but blame himself..

"'re still thinking about what nelson did, aren't you?" jack asked softly, catching adam looking at his stomach. "that's why you can't sleep..." he frowned, gently grabbing adams wrist and pulling him inside so he wasn't just standing in the doorway.. plus the hall was colder than the room. he closed the door, letting go of his wrist and gesturing to the small couch in the room. "i'm watching some cartoons, if you wanna sit..."

"...what I did.." Adam mumbled under his breath as Jack pulled him inside the room. He nodded and sat down on the small couch. He looked at his hands, they still felt bloody, no matter how much and how long he washed them.

"..adam. you didn't do this. Nelson did it.." jack spoke softly, pausing the tv and looking sternly at the elder. he gently grabbed his hands, kneeling in front of him. "it wasn't you. i don't blame you, i never have and never will blame you for this.. please,, don't blame yourself.." he wasn't sure how to help the elder... he knew that the bandages poking out weren't helping. or his own presence.

terry soon woke up with a little start, eyes wide. his breathing was heavy, looking around a little to make sure of his surroundings. "..fuck.." he mumbled.

Sherman frowned as he saw Terry wake up with a start, another nightmare. "'s safe.." He said softly as he ran a hand through Terry's hair.

Adam looked at Jack with tears falling down his cheeks, "...I can't not blame was my hands that did it, Jack. If I could have fought harder...I could have not shot the gun..." He held in a sob.

"....he's still in my head.." terry muttered softly, frowning and cuddling up against sherman. "i keep.. seeing him... he makes me do worse and worse things..." he stammered, shuddering softly.

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