Sherman's room

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Who's writing for who:
Jack: Nova
Sherman: Me

Sherman was in his room trying his best to go to sleep, he looked at the clock that was by his bedside and sighed. It was 3am and he still couldn't sleep. He tried to close his eyes again but there was a knock on his door.

It was Jack. He can't sleep anymore, its been going on a couple of weeks after what he did. He was holding a small crochete doll of 999 that he got from sonia, squeezing it from stress. "Uh.. Sherman..? Its... Its me..." He called quietly, trying not to look down at his hands. He had flashbacks of how bloody his hands were.

Sherman quickly sat up hearing that it was Jack, he made his way over to his door and opened it. "Jack, are you okay?" He asked looking at Jack's condition. He knew that Jack has barely slept a wink since everything that had happened. "Ah.. sorry stupid you wanna come in?" He said opening his door more inviting Jack to come in.

Jack slowly shuffled inside, his stance smaller than usual. "Um.. sorry if i woke you.. I didn't know what to do.. I didn't want to bother ryan.." he decided that him and ryan shared a room so Ryan could have some help when needed, but he knew he would wake the other if he screamed out of his nightmare, so up he stays. "I don't want to uh.. be a bother.. or anything."

"You didn't wake me, I've been up. You're not being a bother." Sherman said as he closed his door behind him, his lamp illuminated the room. He made his way over to Jack and put a hand on his shoulder, "You'll never be a bother, you're like a son to me Jack." He said in a sincere tone.

Jack bit his lip, straightening ever so slightly. "Y.. yeah.. sorry, i've just been.. well.. y'know.." he rubbed his tired eyes, letting them rest as his eyelids slowly dropped. "Can't stay asleep....." He mumbled, hugging the little 999 doll.

"maybe... I dunno.." he mumbled sleepily, almost falling but catching himself on his feet and shaking his head. "Shit.. haven't been this tired in a really long time.."

Sherman had a mini heart attack as Jack fell, he sighed softly when Jack caught himself. "Alright, come on. You're going to sleep in here tonight." He said as he gently picked up Jack and set him on his bed.

"heh.. didn't think you could pick me up, old man.." Jack mumbled sleepily, not fighting sherman as he was set in the bed. "...i'm scared i'm gonna have that.. nightmare again..."

"Hey..I'm not that old.." Sherman said in a mumble. Sherman laid next to Jack and ran a hand through Jack's hair softly, carefully getting out the tangles. "Don't worry...if you do I'll be right here for you bud." He smiled a small reassuring smile. He looked at Jack's 999 doll, "999 will be here for you too."

"older than meeeee..." He giggled, slowly letting his eyes close, but fighting it a bit. "You'll both protect me.. hopefully...." He mumbled, curling up and holding the 999 doll close.

Sherman smiled softly, "Yes we will, I'll make sure of it." He pulled Jack gently into his arms protectively. He may not be able to fight nightmares off but he will make sure to be there for Jack.

Jack tensed a tiny bit in the hug, but melted slowly into Sherman's warmth, giving a very very tiny whimper. ".....sorry........" He whispered, feeling tears spill down his cheeks and soak into shermans shirt.

Sherman frowned as he could feel Jack's tears soak into his shirt, "Hey bud, it's okay..just let it out." He said as he slowly continued to run a hand through Jack's hair. His heart broke seeing Jack like this, he missed the outgoing, happy Jack. "It'll be okay... maybe not now...but someday..I promise."

"....if you say so... Pops..." Jack whimpered through tears, grabbing a little bit of shermans shirt before he let himself slip into sleep.

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