
69 2 14

Canon timeline.
Jack, Terry: Nova
Nelson, Sherman, Reece: Me

Nelson had a perfect plan to get back at Sherman and the brothers. He just needed to get Terry and Adam. He took 061 from the containment and tried to find Terry and Adam alone. Once, he found them in the same place alone, luckily for him, he grabbed his computer that he installed 061 on, put on noise blocking headphones, and played it on a private channel to Terry and Adam.

Terry looked up, brows furrowing. Soon, his eyes widened. "Shit- adam-" he rushed over, quickly covering adams ears. He could feel his mind quickly clouding, knowing he probably couldn't keep adam safe, but he wanted to try. He knew his hands couldn't stop this. His head slowly dropped, trying to hold his hands against adams ears.

Adam at first didn't know what was happening as Terry put his hands over his ears. He watched as Terry's head dropped as his own head started to become cloudy. His head slowly dropped as he tried to fight it.

Nelson made his way into the room Terry and Adam were in, he smirked as he saw their heads dropped. The first part of his plan worked perfectly. Now for the second part. He made his way toward Terry, "Terry, go to Sherman, tell him that you hate him and you have never loved him.." He then went over to Adam, "Adam, go to Jack...tell him that you wish he was never born..he was never your brother."

A blank expression was on terrys face as his hands slid off of adams ears, heading off to do nelsons bidding. Fuck, he didn't think nelson could get access to the scp, but there he was, feeling his feet move on their own in search of sherman.

Jack was supposed to research with sherman today, following behind him.

Adam followed Terry, a blank expression on his face. He hated fucking much. Now he has to do Nelson's bidding..

Nelson followed far behind them making sure nothing could go wrong.

Sherman was with Jack, they were going to research 553 together. He was honestly happy today, he was researching with Jack and he was also planning on asking Terry the big question. He moved his hands to his lab coat pocket, he played with the box that was in there. "Hun!" He said with a smile as he looked up and saw Terry coming toward him.

Jack was smiling happily, waving to adam as he saw the two come towards them... But he felt something was.. off. They didn't look okay..

Terry slowed and stopped in front of sherman, eyes filling slightly with tears as his mouth moved on its own. "I hate you. I lied that i loved you. I never did." His heart broke to pieces.

Sherman could feel his heart break as he heard what Terry said, "W... What?" He could feel tears fall down his face. He took a closer look at Terry, he knew that Terry would never say this. There was a blank expression on Terry's face and tears in his eyes. Something was wrong, very wrong.

Adam stopped in front of Jack, "I wish you were never would have been so much better without you. You were never my brother." He said as his mouth moved on its own. He could feel tears fall down his face.

Nelson watched the scene unfold with a crooked smile, perfect. Onto the third and final part, physical pain.

Jacks chest felt tight. "Wh.. what.....???" He shook, trying to find his breath. He felt sick. He.. he didn't.. mean it.. did he...? "....d... Did i..... Do something... Wrong....?" He held his chest, tears slipping down his cheeks.

Terry wanted to grab sherman and tell him that it wasn't true, but he was stuck, screaming inside his head. Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!

Nelson spoke into the private radio channel, "Now..there's a gun beside you Adam...shoot Sherman."

Sherman heard a voice come from a radio, it was Nelson.. everything clicked. Nelson put them under mind control...that's why. He somehow got his filthy hands on 061. He looked to Adam as Adam aimed a gun at him, " can fight it.."

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