Overworked? 999 will help.

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Who is writing for who:
Jack: Me
Ryan: Nova

Jack was walking through the facility on his time off, he was looking for Ryan. He had 999 under his hat, he was gonna surprise Ryan with him. He noticed that Ryan was working himself to the bone so he wanted to help Ryan relax and 999 was the perfect thing for that.

He found Ryan in his office, he didn't bother to knock on the door, "Ryan, I have a surprise for you!" He said happily.

"is it a messy surprise? Cause the last time you said you had one, i had to clean up for 5 hours." Ryan looked up from his computer, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes before placing them back on his face.

He for sure looked exhausted and not exactly in the mood to talk, but his brothers always recharged his batteries just a little.

Jack shaked his head, "No not this time, it's a happy surprise." He smiled. He lifted up his hat to show the hiding 999.
999 cooed happily upon seeing Ryan.

Ryan's stern and tired look melted away, a big smile on his face now. "Aw hey 999!!" He stood, walking over and giving the little blob a head pat. "..what time is it? Cause you know 999 shouldn't be out at night."

The presence of 999 made him a lot less stressed, but he knew he still needed to be serious.. at least a little bit.

Jack let 999 move onto his hands and held out 999 to Ryan, "It's 5pm right now, we still got a bit of sunlight left." He smiled. "I figured with some hours left, 999 can help you destress a bit. You've been working basically nonstop for the past week so.."

"i was typing out my research i had on that new plant scp we got, so we could have it documented. They put me as the main researcher." He smiled softly at 999's purring, chuckling softly at how cute it was.

"So i guess for now you could continue transferring my notes to my computer.. don't let me sleep for long though, I don't want anyone catching wind that i'm 'slacking' or something stupid like that."

Jack smiled, "Don't worry I'll wake you up in an hour or two. I'm sure 999 would like the small nap as well." He walked over to Ryan's desk which had his computer and notes. Jack started to transfer the notes Ryan had.

"okay.. just don't forget or let me sleep long." He nodded, grabbing a few things to set up a little snooze corner, settling down and putting 999 on his lap.

Jack turned and nodded. He transferred three notes before he heard Ryan's soft snores, he chuckled.
After awhile he looked at the time, it's been almost two hours. He sighed, got up and stretched. Jack walked over to where Ryan set up his corner and poked his cheek, "Hey Ry, wake up."

He jumped, groaning softly and rubbing his eyes. "Hmh..?" He put on his glasses, picking up 999 with a yawn. "How long did you let me sleep..?" He was very disoriented, just wanting to sleep forever..  but he knew he couldn't.

Jack felt bad for waking him up, seeing how disoriented he is, "About two hours. I got a bit more than half the notes transferred, so there shouldn't be much more left." He said with a small smile.

"two-" he quickly sat up, shaking his head to get rid of the fog of sleep, offering the still sleeping 999 to jack. "Thanks.. i.. honestly needed that."

Jack gently took 999 into his arms, "Of course, if you need anymore help you can always ask me or Adam, I'm sure he wouldn't mind." He smiled. "We love you and don't want you don't want you overworking yourself to death."

"i love you guys too. If you ever need anything, please tell me." He smiles, giving the other a hug. "Now please, get 999 back to containment before we get in trouble." He chuckled softly.

Jack nodded as he hugged back, "You got it." He put 999 back under his hat and made his way toward the door. "Remember don't fully overwork yourself, okay?" He said as he walked out the door.

"i'll try not to." He called, returning to his computer to finish the note transfer and head to bed for the night. He really needed it.

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