You Are My Sunshine

77 1 17

[Trigger warning: Blood, Death and emetophobia]

Who's writing for who:
Jack, Ryan, Sonia: Nova
Sherman, Adam, Reece: Me

Jack was busy researching one of the more dangerous SCPs, larry, humming softly to himself. Not that there was much of larry to research, but he was still there nonetheless. He was writing down some notes when he heard the containment alarm go off, sighing as he stood to go find a hiding spot.

Sherman was walking through the hall making his way toward his office when he heard the containment alarm, he frowned and made his way toward a free office. "Second time this week." He said lowly.

What Jack didn't know it was larry that escaped... And he was the first victim. He didn't notice the large dark spot on the wall, larry touching him and being teleported to the pocket dimension. He was disoriented, making his way through and getting sliced horribly on the way.

Sherman made it into the office, he locked the door and kept the lights off. He sat in the chair that was kept in the office, his leg bounced with anxiety as he thought about his boys. He really hoped that they were okay, his mind went back to Jack injured in the hallway when he got attacked by 553.

As Jack reached the exit, a black pool appeared on the wall, spitting him out in front of sherman, and leaving him bloody and disoriented. He held his mouth to prevent vomiting, shaking and unsure of where he was.

Sherman jumped as someone was all of a sudden on the ground in front of him. As he looked down he realized, "Jack?" He grabbed a flashlight that was on the desk next to him and turned it on, he pointed it down and noticed that Jack was bleeding from... everywhere. "Fuck!" He said as he got down on the ground next to him. "Jack, it's me Sherman. You're in a office right now.."

"i think- i think i'm gonna-" Jack reached for a trash can, throwing up into it and slowly feeling the pain seep in. "..d.. dad.. I don't feel... S.. so good.." his whole body was covered in his own blood, a pool of it fairly quickly forming under him.

"You'll be okay...I'm right here bud." Sherman said in a shaky voice, he looked over Jack's body. There were so many cuts, so many... He found a med kit that was next to the desk, he quickly opened it. It was empty. He couldn't do anything.."Shit!" His grip on the flashlights handle tightened.

Jack slowly flipped over to lean up against the desk, breath shaky. " being able to taste blood.. bad???" He asked softly, before coughing up some. It was the gash on his chest that caused it.

Sherman looked at Jack's chest and noticed the gash, "Oh my.. god..." He took off his own lab coat and put it against Jack's gash trying his best to minimize the bleeding. He prayed to anyone that the containment breach will be contained soon, "Jack... what do you did this happen bud?"

"larry.. he escaped containment.." Jack replied weakly, breath shuddering as he was slowly growing weaker. "I.. i escaped.. pocket dimension, but..." He laughed softly, followed by another cough.

Sherman's eyes widened, Larry, the pocket was amazing that Jack was even still breathing. "Hey bud..stay with me okay.. you've made it this far." He said in a soft voice. He kept pressure on the wound. He thought about how he could keep Jack in the moment, he had an idea. "You are my only sunshine.." He started to sing.

"you make me.. happy.... When skies are.. gray..." Jack slowly started to sing along, voice barely there. His breathing started to slow, feeling himself start to lose consciousness.

Sherman moved one hand up to Jack's face rubbing some blood away, "You'll never know dear.." He sang shakily. Tears started to cascade down his face.

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