Another Time

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Canon/Corpse timeline.
Ryan, SCP Jack, Ezra: Nova
Sherman: Me

Ryan screamed as he was put back together, sweating from the pain. His back was killing him, rendering him barely able to push himself up, arms shaking. He quickly realized the area he was in was under containment breach, causing ryan to struggle to pull himself across the ground.

Jack was dragging himself down the hall, corpses left behind him completely rotted by acid. "D... ad... He called out, continuing to drag himself and attack anyone who tried to contain him, becoming animalistic when they did so.

Sherman was running to Jack's containment, when he got there he noticed Jack and..Ryan? He thought that Ryan was hiding? He shook his head as he turned his attention to Jack, "Jack..bud I'm right here okay.." He said in a soft voice. He looked to the guards who were trying to contain Jack, "Go..I got this.." He said in a commanding tone. The guards hesitantly backed off.

Ryan turned. Wait.... Jack???? He looked around, seeing sherman... Then... Oh god... Jack... "..wh.. what the.... F u c k.....?" Ryan spoke softly, pulling himself backwards into a pile of the sludge, crying out and grabbing his burned arm.

Jack heard Ryan scream, attention flicking past sherman. "Ry... an....?" He croaked, slowly dragging himself closer to sherman.. to get past him. He forgot he was there, honestly.

Sherman looked to Ryan when he heard him cry out, fuck..he hit the acid. He then noticed that Jack was making his way toward Ryan, he stood in front of him, " need to go back into containment bud...if you don't...they might have to sedate you. I know you hate it in there...but please, for me, go back in.." He said in a soft tone.

Jack was fairly close now, turning his head to sherman, almost right in his face. "Ry.. an... Free..... J..ack...." He gurgled, "hurt.... Ry...." He whimpered, but slowly turned around. "..mmb.. back.... H... ome.." the turn splashed a little sludge, Ryan rolling to his side and hissing a little from the pain.

First he gets disabled, now is arms gonna be eaten by acid. Whats next, his head? His neck??? God,, and what even was that thing???? That couldn't be jack...

Sherman frowned, he knew this will hurt, he put a hand on Jack's shoulder. "I know you..want to go back home...we will figure it out soon..but right now you have to go..back in containment." He could feel the acid start to hurt his hands. He quickly took his hand off with a small hiss.

"d... ad....." Jack turned his head, alarmed that sherman touched him. "" He gurgled, slowly sitting and curling up. "...t.. ake.. m.. e...." He wheezed, ezra in a protective suit, holding a tranquilizer gun. "..sherman.." ezra spoke quietly.

"...i.... G ....o..." Jack wheezed again, dragging himself back to containment slowly. Ryan only watched in horror when the pain from the acid lessened, his lab coat eaten through where it hit him.

Sherman frowned as he followed Jack making sure he actually got back into the containment. When Jack was in, he closed the door. He sighed and as he walked passed Ezra he sent a small glare, "I..told you..I had it." He said lowly then continued toward Ryan. Once he got to Ryan he stuck out his non burnt hand to help him up, "Come on..I can help you with the burns. I got some burn cream Reece gave to me in my room."

Ezra backed up a little bit, giving a sigh and moving to clean up jacks residue sludge from the areas he dragged himself through. They could study more of it later, he guessed.

Ryan looked up to sherman, biting his lip a little. "Uh.. i... I can't.. walk." He mumbled, showing a little effort of lifting his leg, and of course, nothing happening.

Sherman raised a brow, last he seen Ryan he could walk perfectly fine. "Okay..I can carry you. My room isn't far." He said as he gently picked up Ryan and held him bridal style. His hand hurt but he continued to walk to his room.

Ryans back seized up, but he held back a little gasp of pain, grabbing on to Sherman's lab coat tightly. "F u c k-" he hissed softly, legs dangling as he was carried. "Wh.. what the hell happened to jack...?" He asked softly. he didn't realize this isn't his world yet.

Sherman stopped right in front of his room and looked to Ryan, something was not right. First, Ryan's legs didn't work. Second, He doesn't know what happened to Jack. Yeah..this wasn't his Ryan. "Jack...died..then Ezra had a brilliant plan to use the black sludge to bring him back.." He said brilliant in a venomous, sarcastic tone. He opened his door.

"b- black sludge!!?! What the fuck!?" Yeah,, no way in hell this could happen in the few minutes he was ripped apart by that button. He looked down, brows furrowing. "So... He's like a volatile zombie....?"

Sherman frowned and nodded, "Yeah...he still has some semblance left of himself. He is pain...though." He said as he set Ryan down on his bed carefully.

"....kinda like me.." Ryan laughed softly. "... you're.... smart enough to know i'm not your Ryan, right?" He spoke softly, slowly taking off his lab coat, wincing when the sleeve hit the acid mark. "Fuck everything hurts.." he put his hands on his ribs, taking slow, deep breaths. The pain from his spine was spreading all throughout his torso.

Sherman nodded, "Yeah, figured it out didn't know what happened to Jack." He said as he went to his desk, pulled out his drawer, and grabbed the burn cream. He went back to Ryan, "Want me to help you apply it?" He asked as he noticed that Ryan was taking slow, deep breaths.

"yeah- if you uh.. if you could... Sorry,, my back hurts so badly..." Ryan sounded a little out of breath, wincing and breathing in sharply. "Fuck.... God i wish my medicine came with me..."

"It's okay." Sherman said softly as he gently applied the cream to Ryan's burned arm. When he was done he looked to Ryans legs, "What..happened in your... dimension? I guess we'll call it."

"well..." Ryan sighed, lifting his shirt enough to show his lower back as he winced, pulling his legs up on the bed and turning so sherman could see it, the stab entry wound practically a scar, but bruised over and tiny veins showing near it beneath Ryan's skin.

"A guy named nelson pushed jack down the stairs to sacrifice him to 049, i saved jack, and then punched nelson in the face, breaking his nose..." He sighed softly, leaning his head back. "Then.. nelson decided to stab me in the back with a scalpel.. and disabled me. Nelsons dead now.. Jack killed him... Now nelsons cult is out for our heads. Thats how i ended up here."

Sherman sucked in a breath as he looked at Ryan's wound and listened to the story. Another dimension Nelson did this...his Nelson is just a douche..not a murderous douche. He put a hand on Ryan's shoulder, "I' sorry you had and have to go through that.. The question did you end up in a different.. dimension?" He asked as he took some of the burn cream from the tub and put it on his own hand.

Ryan pulled himself across from sherman, letting his shirt fall back down before he laid back, letting out a little hiss. "I uh... Well.. this kid named elias was gonna shoot me while i was researching a button my sherman found.. and i pressed it to escape. Then, i woke up here." He shrugged slightly. "I don't know if i can get back home or not."

Sherman raised a brow, "A button..? Is the button red and does it say, 'Do not push' on it?" He asked.

"yeah... It just kinda.. showed up one day.. so everyone decided we should just let it be and research it." Ryan sighed, closing his eyes with a soft yawn.

"Ours appeared randomly as well.." Sherman said as he looked to Ryan. He noticed his closing eyes and smiled softly, "We can talk more in the can rest." He said as he gently combed a hand through Ryan's hair.

"....are you sure...?" Ryan asked softly, opening his eyes and looking up at sherman. "...cause i.. i'm not sure what'll happen if your ryan sees me... We have no idea what the effects of this scp is.." his pain was taking a lot out of him, but his brain was running a mile a minute.

Sherman nodded, "I'm sure. I'll let him know and make sure he doesn't see you." He said as he continued to run a hand through Ryan's hair. He started to hum lowly.

"mmm.... O... kay.." ryan mumbled softly, slowly falling asleep and haphazardly slipping his glasses off. He was glad he was dropped off somewhere similar to his time.. if he was alone, he wouldn't know how to handle it.

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