I'll scream when no one is around

33 1 13

Cw: Suicidal ideation, suicide
Mirror timeline.
Jimmy, Adam, Reece, Emily: Me
Casey, Jack, Ryan, Sonia: Nova

jack has hardly gotten sleep since losing sherman. and on top of that, he's gotten extremely sick, unable to talk or make that much noise. he was curled up in his bed alone, staring at the wall quietly, finishing up the cup of soup and setting it down on the nightstand. he'll eat, at least. but other than that, he hasn't gotten up.

Adam was making his way down the hall, he wanted to check in on Jack. He could tell that he was barley sleeping, he made it to Jack's room, he knocked softly.

Jack made a little noise to let adam know it was okay to come in, slowly sitting up and holding his head. He also hadn't showered in like, forever. He could smell himself. He reached for his notebook and pen, holding the pen close. It was shermans pen.

Adam opened the door and closed it behind him..he could smell Jack. He frowned a little..he really hasn't moved at all. "Hey, bud. Ryan will be here soon as well, we just wanted to check up on you." He said as he walked toward him.

Jack slowly looked up towards the other, his bags under his eyes got deeper with each day. He slowly wrote "how are you?" Showing it to adam and coughing into his elbow after, sniffling.

Adam sat in a chair next to Jack's bed, "As well as I can be.." He's really worried for Jack. He grabbed the cup of water that was on Jack's night stand and handed it to him. As he did he heard the containment breach alarm..shit. He hoped that Ryan could find a room..

Jack carefully took a sip, the alarm going off barely phasing him.... Maybe.... No.. he shouldn't... Adam wouldn't let him get up or go out at all. He looked down at the notebook, haphazardly twirling the pen like Sherman did. It flew out of his hand and on to the floor.

Adam jumped a little bit as the pen hit the floor, he hoped that nothing heard that. He took a breath, he got up and sat down Jack's bed next to him. He shook a little bit, he didn't want anything to happen to his brothers or anyone..he couldn't handle it..

Jack looked at the pen, and then to adam, leaning against him gently. He closed his eyes, feeling tired again. But he didn't want to sleep.

Ryan was backing up down the hallway, eyes trained on 173. He went as fast as he could, falling backwards with a grunt just outside jacks door.

Adam perked up, he heard someone fall outside the door. He looked at Jack, "I'll be right back..it might be Ryan." He said softly to him. He layed Jack back down against his pillows. He got up and cracked the door a little bit it was Ryan, "Ryan." He said quietly trying to get his attention as he opened the door a bit more.

"i.. i can't.." Ryan stammered, staring straight at 173. "..adam its 173.. he's in the hall with me.." he hissed, eyes watering. He couldn't keep his eyes open much longer, though at least there was a fair bit of distance between him and the scp.

Jack curled up, holding himself with a little noise.

Adam's eyes widened, no.. He shook his head, "Fuck.." He took out his radio, "Ezra..173 is in the east wing, come here as quick as you can..Ryan is in a stare off with it." He said as quickly as he could. He turned his attention back to Ryan, tears starting to fill his eyes. "Ry..Ezra will be here soon. You'll be fine.." He almost promised..he's learned his lesson with promises..

"we're going as fast as we can adam. Keep yourself safe." Ezra replied as he and the task force piled on to the elevator. Ryans eyes quivered before he blinked, a loud scrape sounding as 173 grew closer.

"...stay in there.. close the door.." Ryan spoke softly, "keep yourselves safe.. please.. i'll keep it there as long as i can."

Adam's body shook, "W..what about you? We can't loose you, Ry.." His voice cracked from tears. He didn't move from the door or close it, he stood his ground.

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