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[Trigger warning, blood and gore]
Who's writing for who:
Jack: Nova
Nelson, and Dr.Sherman: Me

Something in jack snapped today. He wasn't sure if it was stress or what nelson has done, but he knows for damn sure he can't sit by the sidelines anymore. He didn't have his lab coat on as he went up the elevator, gripping a bat that he found tight by his side.

He hummed along to elevator music, brain only on one thing. Break. Nelson.

Nelson was finally out of medical able to breathe on his own. He didn't really feel any remorse for what he had done to Ryan. He took a deep breath in as he continued to transfer his notes.

Once the elevator reached the floor, Jack hid in an office, playing a pretty convincing recording of 049 to lure Nelson out of his office. He walked to another office to hide, switching offices to make it seem like 049 was coming down the hall.

Nelson's head perked up when he heard what sounded like 049 coming down the hall, he quickly got up and peeked through his door. He wondered why no one was running or why there wasn't a containment breach alarm. Nelson came out of his office and started to walk down the hall cautiously.

Once Nelson got past the office Jack was hiding in, he quickly pulled up a face mask and stepped out, swinging hard at the others head in an attempt to knock him out cold so he could drag him down to the basement.

Jack casually dragged him to the elevator, riding down without interruptions cause he knew everyone was going to lunch. "Fuck,, why is everyone in this facility so fucking heavy-" he huffed, dragging him to the center of the basement, surrounded by generators and buzzing technology.

Once they got to their destination, jack pulled nelsons leg to a propped up position, standing on his foot to keep it steady, and hitting it hard, a cracking sound echoing through the basement. He huffed, stepping back and stooping down to wait for Nelson to wake up.

Nelson slowly woke up, the first thing he felt was pain, pain in his leg and head. He had to stop himself from screaming, he looked around at his surroundings. He could tell that he was in the basement, "What the fuck?"

"hey there sleeping beauty." Jack stood, looking down at the other with disgust in his eyes. "Sleep well?" He tilted his head, dragging the bat against the concrete as he walked towards nelson, stopping just at his feet.

He made sure the mask obscured his face well enough, laughing softly. "Pretty gullible man."

Nelson looked up and saw a person with a mask, "Who..are you?" He said with narrow eyes, "What do you want with me? I've done nothing wrong!" He said as he looked toward the bat the person held.

"oh? You've done nothing wrong, huh?" He kicked at nelsons broken leg, getting closer to the other. "What about breaking my leg? Disabling my FUCKING BROTHER JUST BECAUSE HE BROKE YOUR NOSE!!?!" he screamed, ripping his mask off before a big smile came to his face.

"For what its worth Nelson, i really am sorry, but you've had this coming for a while." He backed up, raising a hand to shrug. "I said i'd kill you... So i finally got the courage to do it. But, i'm gonna make it slow, and agonizing."

Nelson screamed then whimpered, "Please...I'm sorry! I won't do anything else, please spare me! I have a family.." He said hoping to gain some pity points.

"you're far past pity, my friend." He walked over and aimed for his other leg, staring right into his eyes. "You almost destroyed mine twice. Everyone has a family, Nelson. Found, born, and you know what else happens?" He swung hard, pulling back and twirling his bat. "We die. Why do you even care about your family now? How do you think they would feel if they knew what you did? Huh? WHAT DO YOU FUCKING THINK?????"

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