Concussion Breach

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Who's writing for who:
Adam and Ryan: Nova
Jack and The doctor: Me

Jack was breathing hard, there was a containment breach of 049. He's been running for..he doesn't know how long. He's been trying to find Ryan or Adam, over the radio he heard that 049 has been contained. He slowed, he took out his walkie talkie, "Ryan..Adam? Anyone? is starting to spin."

Ryan was the first to answer, he was hiding in a storage room. "I'm here.. where are you, you aren't hurt are you??"

Jack looked around, "I don't think I'm hurt..." He took a deep breath trying to keep himself from passing out, "I'm.. next to the creamation area.."

"okay.. i'm in a closet close to there.. i can make my way over in a little bit, but I don't know where 049 is." He spoke softer into the radio, taking a shaky breath.

Adam soon came on the radio, heavy breaths accompanying him. "I'm in the surveillance room- 049 is currently in keter, headed to safe. Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah! Yeah i'm okay-"

Jack lowered himself to the ground slowly as he tried to control his breathing, "I'm...okay?" He said in an unsure voice. He could feel the adrenaline start to leave him, "I might need some medical though.."

"how badly are you hurt? I think i can make it over to you to help, i have some med kits here with me." Ryans voice came over the radio, which was frantic. He set down the radio to grab one, along with a stun baton in case he needs to protect himself.

Adam chimed in, "you should be safe for now guys, he isn't anywhere near you. Just be careful, p l e a s e."

The room kept spinning, "I can't tell..." His voice was faint through the radio, he could feel something warm cascade down his face. "I think I hit my head on something.." He can't remember when or how though.

Ryan grunted, unlocking the door and quickly running out. "Adam, he's probably got a concussion. I'm on my way to him now. Jack, try and stay awake, i'm coming to you." He spoke quickly and roughly, pretty much hauling ass down the hallway to get to jack.

There's no way in hell that he's gonna let anything happen. "Guys, 049s moving again, but guards are coming to contain him." Adam spoke, a worried tone in his voice.

Jack tried his best to stay awake, "Okay..I'll try.." He spoke into the walkie.
Once he heard what Adam said, his eyes widened, "Shit..." He mumbled to himself. Jack sat up with a groan, he held his head with one of his hands. He felt the warmth and as he pulled his hand away he looked at was blood.

Ryan just made it into the room, the door opening and immediately closing. He went down to jacks side, breaking out the instant ice pack and bandages. "Let me see." He spoke softly and sternly.

Adam had activated lock override, so nobody could open the door to the room jack and ryan were in, just as a safety measure. "I activated the safety lock for your room, you guys are safe." Adam quickly spoke, going back to monitoring the situation.

Jack turned toward Ryan, he didn't even notice he came in. He blinked slowly as he showed Ryan the blood on his hand, "I'm bleeding...from my head." He said in a slur.

"shit.. okay.." he muttered, grabbing gauze and gently pressing it against the wound, before he wrapped up the others head. The alarms for the containment breach finally stopped, and there was silence.

"Guys? You alive? 049 is incapacitated and being transported back to containment." Adam spoke into the radio, hoping for confirmation from the two.

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