Physical therapy

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Canon timeline.
Ryan, Sonia: Nova
Sherman: Me.

Ryans back was sore as hell climbing out of bed. He'd been secretly meeting with sonia and reece to get his strength up enough to use an exoskeleton that they had the foundation make, rubbing the bruise on his cheek. Jack constantly asked him why he's bruised and has sores on his legs, but he never answers him. Jacks voiced his concern to sherman.

That morning, ryans wheelchair was set up so he could pull himself into it, which he did and got Breakfast then got ready for the day. He was researching with sherman.. oh boy. He wheeled his way down the corridors, wincing at every shaky push. "Fuck.. gotta tell sonia to take it easy today.." he sighed softly before he arrived.

Sherman was walking down the corridor, humming. Jack came to him with a concern about Ryan, he was gonna make sure to ask Ryan about it since he was researching with him today. As he was walking he saw Ryan wheeling down, he walked up to him and could tell that he was hurting by his shaky pushes. "Ryan, you okay?" He asked.

"y- yeah.. just a little tired today is all." Ryan smiled, "could you get the door? I think i forgot my card in my room." He rubbed at the pain in his cheek as he smiled, trying to not look so in pain and just... Obvious. He knew he was obvious. Plus he didn't have strength in his arms to lift anything, let alone barely enough to push himself.

Sherman nodded, he didn't believe Ryan but didn't pry...yet. "Of course." He said as he scanned his card for the door and walked in. He looked behind him and waited for Ryan, he wanted to see Ryan's wheeling to make sure it wasn't just his imagination.

Ryan gave a soft sigh, smiling. "thanks pops." before he took a second, giving a very soft grunt of effort as he rolled in. fuck, he should've stayed in bed today. "remind me which scp we're researching?" he asked, slowly turning around and then backing himself up, relaxing a little in his chair with his brows furrowed very slightly.

Sherman watched as Ryan rolled in, he was hurting. "..We are researching the flower, SCP 6000." He said as he looked at his notes he had. He really doesn't know how to bring it up but..he knew he had to. "Ry...I know you aren't doing okay..I can tell. It's taking you a lot more effort to even wheel yourself, even when you were tired you did better wheeling yourself than you are now." He said as he looked at Ryan.

"..i'm alright." Ryan spoke softly, the crackle of his radio interrupting him. "Ryan, you should take a break tonight, you've been going really heavy on your PT.." it was sonia. Ryan winced softly, looking up at Sherman with a half smile. He pulled out his radio, replying "sonia, i'll be fine. I wanted to keep this a secret from sherman, but you kinda spoke at the wrong time."

Sherman blinked slowly, Ryan was in physical therapy...and he didn't tell anyone? When Ryan finished talking he raised a brow, "Why..did you wanna keep this a secret from me..and most of all, your brothers?" He asked as he crossed his arms, genuinely curious.

"..i'm sorry.. i wanted it to be a surprise.." Ryan mumbled, looking down at his legs. "..sonia and reece found a way to.." he fell silent for a moment, knowing his own words would sound unrealistic. "...they found a way to help me walk again.. and i wanted to surprise you guys..."

Sherman's eyes widened, "..They did?" He asked as he tried to take it in. 'Reece you miracle worker..' He thought to himself. "Ryan, that's amazing!" He said as he knelt down in front of him and smiled. He now knew why Ryan was in pain, it made since but, "It's great that you're getting physical therapy to walk again.. but you have to remember to not overwork yourself." He said in a soft stern voice.

"i know.. i just.. wanna be able to walk again.. so so badly.. so you guys don't have to worry about me so much.." Ryan mumbled softly, rubbing at the side of his own thigh. "..i have a few sores on my legs from the thing rubbing on me." He laughed softly. "You'll have to come see how well i'm doing though, i'm getting pretty strong."

Sherman nodded, "I know how bad you want to walk but you can't overdo it. I'll definitely come to see how well you're doing though." He said with a soft smile. "Just not today as Sonia said, you need to take a break."

Ryan sighed, leaning back a little. "Fine... I'll take a break today.." he pouted a little bit, using the radio and telling sonia that he's doing so. "..we gotta tell jack and adam now, don't we?" He said with a little frown. He knew jacks been freaking out,, so..

Sherman nodded, "We do have to tell them. We can tell them after we research." He said as he got out a pen from his pocket and started to look through his notes.

"mm... Okay..."Ryan mumbled, pulling up his own notes, letting himself be a little more relaxed. "Do we have to go in...?" He asked softly, "i don't remember.."

Sherman nodded, "We do. I can go in and you can stay out here, if you want too." He said as he started to put on the suit that helped make sure he inhaled none of the pollen.

"...yeah.. that'd probably be best.. please be careful, pops.." Ryan sighed, grabbing his own mask and putting it on as a precaution. He slowly rolled himself to the door controls and closed the door they added for protection, its like in a weird glass wall room.

Sherman smiled softly, "I will, Ry." He said and made his way into the containment. He made his way toward the flower and started to write down some notes.

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