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Guys, thank you so much for all the love on the first chapter and all your kind words. I know I say this a lot but they really mean the world to me.

A lot of the time, I'm not sure if my writing is any good, so your words are a boost. Anyway, on with the chapter.

Anita and Alyssia were discharged two days later and they decide to make a stop at Garden Lodge, Jim meets them at the front door beaming. "Congratulations," He steps aside to let them in, cooing at the infant.

"Freddie, you have a new visitor," Jim announces leading them through to the living room.

"A new visitor?" Freddie frowns, looking up from his notebook but immediately beams seeing the infant in the baby carrier Anita is holding, "This is a lovely surprise. Jim, go get the presents."

Brian unclips Alyssia and settles her in Freddie's arms, Alyssia opens her eyes to look up at him. She whimpers, to begin with, not sure who this stranger is but Anita is quick to show that she is still there, rubbing her cheek.

Freddie smiles sweetly down at those blue eyes, "You are just the sweetest baby girl, Alyssia you said?" He checks he heard Brian right when he rang a few days ago.

"Yes, Alyssia Ivy May."

"A fitting name for Queens newest princess and a princess needs presents. Anita, would you care to do the honours since you did the hard work?" He gestures to the large box Jim is carrying in.

It's a lot bigger than the one Roger gave but this contains a large number of dresses, some for every day and some for parties and shoes to match. Some of them are designer brands too, "Freddie this is too much..."

"Hush," Freddie interrupts her, "A princess needs a dress for every occasion and it's such a bother when you can't find shoes to match. Most of the more expensive things are ones she can grow into as she gets older."

He then digs in the box for the things he hid at the bottom, a brush, headbands, hair bobbles and lots of pretty hair accessories, "If she's anything like her father in the hair department and judging by these beautiful curls she already has," He runs a finger through Alyssia's soft curls, "She is going to need ways to tame them."

"Thank you, Freddie," Anita hugs him.

"You didn't have to spend so much though," Brian lightly tells him off.

"Nonsense, I have no children of my own so I will gladly take the liberty of spoiling all my nieces and nephews." Freddie enjoys a cuddle for a little longer before Jim has a turn.

"Have Jimmy, Louisa and Emily met her yet?" Jim asks.

"They'll meet her at the weekend," It's a sore subject for them. Brian rang Chrissie to tell his children about Alyssia and as he predicted, Jimmy can't wait to meet his new sister and Emily's reaction he'll have to wait and see but Louisa does not want anything to do with Alyssia.

Surprisingly, Chrissie took the news well, even congratulated him but Brian needs to play his cards right. She already threatened to stop him from seeing his children and take full custody the weeks after they first divorced but she never what through with it.

He knows he's nowhere near being out of the woods yet so he'll take it a step at a time with the hope that in time, he'll figure out how to make both families works.


The first few nights home were hard for Anita, finding a routine that works and getting Alyssia to settle.

Nappy changes and feeds are things Anita can deal with and that she was expecting, but when Alyssia cries at night and she can't figure out what's wrong, that's when she feels like a bad mum.

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