Wedding Day Part 1

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June 2010

Tomorrow is Toby and Alyssia's wedding day. Alyssia is currently at home getting everything she needs together to take to her parent's London home where she will get ready tomorrow morning.

"Is that the dress?" Toby asks as he enters the bedroom to take her suitcase downstairs. Alyssia is getting a dress bag out of the wardrobe.

"No, my dress is at my mum and dad's house," She wasn't risking him finding the dress and having a sneak peek, "This is Lola's dress, I picked it up from the seamstress yesterday."

Lola has had a growth spurt in the last month, so they had to get her dress altered at the last minute.

Toby goes to take the suitcase and frowns, "Why do you have two?"

Alyssia rolls her eyes a little snappy, "Because I am getting ready at my parent's house tomorrow and then we are staying at the venue tomorrow night. So the smaller one has pyjamas, underwear, make-up, shoes, jewellery for tonight and tomorrow then the bigger one has all that plus spare clothes for tomorrow night and the day after."

"Right," He decides against saying anything else and takes the bags down to her car, that is the one aspect of girls he will never understand.

"Got everything?" He asks her once everything she needs is in the car.

"I think so," She shuts the car door for a moment and turns to hug him, "Sorry I was short with you a few minutes ago, I couldn't find the jewellery I wanted for tomorrow and I was stressing," She cups his face kissing his lips gently.

"It's okay and don't stress, as long as we are husband and wife by the end of the ceremony tomorrow, I couldn't care less about anything else," This day has been a long time coming, "I can't wait to see you in your dress either."

"Will you cry?" Toby is not one to cry often, the only time she's seen him cry is when she had the miscarriage.

"I might."

"You'll finally get rid of St. James too," Toby has been dying to get rid of the St. James surname since he moved in with Grandma, contact with his dad no longer exists. But with the knowledge that they would probably be married within a few years after finishing school, he decided to wait and take Alyssia's surname instead.

So after tomorrow, they will be Mr and Mrs May rather than Mr and Mrs St. James. Alyssia couldn't be happier about it, she loves being a May and Brian is more than happy for them to carry on the May surname. "I'll be raising a toast to it. I love you, see you tomorrow."

"Love you too, I'll try not to be late," She grins, climbing into the car and driving off.


Early the next morning, Alyssia is wide awake staring at the dress bag that is hanging on the bed of the door. She's getting married in just over 4 and a half hours.

Her attention is pulled to reality when someone walks past her door and heads downstairs, she's pretty sure it's her dad. She's not going to get back to sleep so she gets up once she can hear him making himself a coffee in the kitchen.

By the time she gets downstairs he's already in his study area, he spends a lot of time in the large plush armchair, either reading or lost in his own thoughts.

"Morning," She mutters so as not to startle him.

"Morning," He gestures for her to join him.

He'd expected her to sit in the chair across from him not sit in the gap next to him, feet tucked under her and she cuddles into his side, "I miss your cuddles," She rests her head on his shoulder.

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