Queen + Paul Rodgers

421 21 4

March 2005

Alyssia, Victoria and Zoe are getting ready to go to their first-ever Queen concert. The first show of the Queen + Paul Rodgers tour is tonight at Brixton Academy Theatre.

"Is it just us going tonight?" Victoria asks, tying her hair back in a ponytail with her new purple hair extensions in.

"No, I thought I told you? Toby, Paige and Ben are joining us, I told them to be here for half past 6."

"Thank you for inviting Paige, she really appreciates it," Since Zoe introduced Paige to her friends, they always try to include her in group things like this.

"Paige is part of the group now and your girlfriend," Alyssia reminds her, "Just like Toby, she's more than welcome."

A knock at the front door pulls the girls from Alyssia's bedroom, "Hey," Alyssia grins, meeting Toby at the bottom of the stairs with a quick kiss.

"Hi beautiful," He smiles, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I like this jacket on you," She straightens the lapel of the black leather jacket he's wearing, "It suits you."

"When you two are done being all lovey-dovey," Victoria interrupts them rolling her eyes, "We have a concert to get to."

"Yeah, let's go," Alyssia shouts bye to her mum before they head out the door, "Wait, where's Ben?" Paige is walking with Zoe but the young blonde lad is missing.

"Here!" Ben shouts, running up the street to meet them, "Sorry, I was on a date and lost track of time."

"A date huh?" Toby teases him, "How did it go?"

He walks with Ben while Alyssia falls behind a little to talk to Victoria, "You alright?"

"Yeah," The blonde girl looks up from staring at the floor, "Why wouldn't I be?"

Alyssia saw the look of disappointment on her friends face when Ben mentioned the date, "Ben," She whispers.

"I'm fine, honestly, I'm too shy to ask him myself and I don't think he even realises I like him. So until I work up the courage or he figures it out," Victoria links her arm with Alyssia's, "I guess I'll just live with being a little bit jealous of seeing you with Toby and Zoe with Paige. It would be nice to have that."

"And you will. Your forgetting we're still in high school. Most people don't find someone until they leave school or even into their adult years. To risk sounding like my mum, you have plenty of years ahead to find the right person."

"Your right, you do sound like your mum," She giggles and changes the subject.

The concert was amazing, they were fours rows back from the stage and seeing her dad doing what he loves made Alyssia enjoy the night even more.

She's going to miss him while he's on tour but seeing how happy he looks on stage, Roger too is worth it.

"Your friend group has expanded, Lissy," Roger slings an arm around his niece's shoulder when they arrive backstage, "You going to do the introductions."

"Yeah. Dad, Uncle Rog, this is Paige, Zoe's girlfriend and this is Ben, Toby's best mate."

"Nice to meet you," The drummer smiles, "Do you guys enjoy the show?"

"That was so cool," Zoe gushes, giving no one else the chance to speak, "I've waited my entire life to see a Queen concert and it suppressed my expectations. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Alyssia has the coolest family in the world."

"Thanks, Zoe," Brian chuckles, he then leaves Roger with the group and pulls Alyssia to the side, "Did your mum tell you that I won't be able to make it to the World Championships in March?"

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