Growing Up

367 18 12

September 2016

"Mummy, I'm ready," Ivy runs into the kitchen dressed in her uniform. Ivy is five months off turning 5 and today is her first day in reception year at school.

"Oh my goodness, look at you," Alyssia grins, taking her eyes off 2-year-old Olivia to look her eldest over, "You look so smart and grown-up. Come here," She gently tugs her towards her to do her hair.

Ivy's hair is now a full mass of curls that falls just past her shoulders, she has the true May curls and they're a nightmare to tame, so Alyssia settles for brushing it and sliding her favourite headband on.

"Me go," Olivia on the other hand takes after Toby, though still curly, her hair is far easier to tame and not as thick as her sisters. She has an appetite for life and adventure like Ivy though and they are close sisters.

"You can't go, Libby, your too little," Ivy informs her pouring some coco pops into her bowl.

Olivia pouts looking to her mum hoping for a different answer, Alyssia starts cleaning the two-year-old's hand and face from where she's been feeding herself her breakfast, "You'll start Nursery next year like Ivy did last year, but that's okay because me and you are going to see Grandpa and Uncle Roger."

"Ooow," Now Ivy is pouting, "Without me?"

"I'm afraid so, they have something to ask me that can't wait," She wonders if it has something to do with the film they've spent the last few months casting for.

Dropping Ivy off Alyssia got a little emotional, her eldest baby is growing up too quick for her liking.

After moving into the new house time seemed to move so quickly, adjusting to life without Toby was hard, but Alyssia has found a routine.

She finds the odd acting job here and there to help with money as well as doing a few classes at her old skating rink. But with Ivy at school, Alyssia devotes a lot of time to Olivia, giving her the individual attention that Ivy got before Olivia came along.

Putting Olivia down once they reach Roger's, she runs ahead to find the pair, "Ganpa! Uncle Wog!"

Roger lifts her into a hug with an exaggerated groan, "You get bigger every time I see you, where's Ivy?"

"It's her first day in reception," Alyssia informs him, "So she's at school all day."

"Oh no, she trapped. At least we can still have fun," He takes Olivia into the sound booth where his drums are gives her a set of drum sticks, a pair of ear defenders and then turns on the soundproof technology he had installed so they can still talk while she's playing.

"She'll be a rock and roll drummer before you know it," Brian comments.

Ivy hasn't taken much to music, she likes Queen and listening to music, but she has no interest in doing any with music at the moment. Her interests lie with animals to Brian's delight.

Olivia, though only two, already has a keen interest in music and playing instruments, Alyssia is pretty sure that Olivia will have Toby's guitar when she's a bit older.

"So what did you want to see me about?" Alyssia sits on the sofa beside Brian, "Is it to do with the film?"

"Yes, we've finished casting for the most parts we just have two more parts left one is Roger's fling, Cheryl or we still need someone for Dominique."

"I don't look anything like Dominique and I have no idea who Cheryl is," She's very relieved that they didn't ask her to be Chrissie, that would be weird.

"I honestly think she'd be better as Dominique than Cheryl," Roger interjects, "If your willing to have your hair straightened and have a fringe put in, that's all you'd need."

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