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"Mum?" Alyssia woke up feeling lost, but it hits her like a ton of bricks after a moment. The airport, Tina, Toby and the baby.

Anita stirs from beside her, "Hey, how are you feeling, love?"

"Sore," Her leg hurts, but she's glad to be able to feel it as it hopefully means no nerve damage from the bullet, "What happened? Where's Toby? Is he alright?"

"They removed the bullet, but he's on life support for the moment, he's not breathing on his own. The doctor says you can go and see him in a bit."

"But he's alive at least?"

"Yes, he's alive."

Life support is not the best but at least he's alive, "What about the baby, where is she?"

"She's okay, she's in the neonatal ward. Amazingly no serious complications, she's just small in weight and size. Your dad is with her, has been all night and I believe he gave her her first bottle which he is buzzing about."

Alyssia relaxes a little, glad she's not alone. She would have liked to give her new daughter her first bottle, but they'll be plenty more to come in the future, "And what about Ivy?"

"Roger took her back to his so she could get some proper sleep. She's seemed to be okay, just worried about you and Toby," Anita wouldn't be surprised if Ivy had a few bad dreams once things calm down, "I can ring Roger if you want me to bring her back in?"

"What time is it?"

"Um..." She checks her watch, "Nearly 7am."

"No leave them for a bit," She needs a bit of time to find out what is going on with Toby and the baby before Ivy comes in asking her questions, "I'd like to go see my daughter and then Toby."

"I'll get the doctor," Anita leaves the room to find someone.


"Brian," He feels someone shaking his shoulder, his eyes focusing on his wife standing over him.

"Hey, what's going on?" Yawning, he sits up and looks around the room spotting Alyssia in a wheelchair by the incubator.

Alyssia puts her hand through the porthole on the side, holding her new daughter's tiny hand, rubbing her thumb across her soft skin, "Hello baby girl, I'm your mummy. Sorry, I've only just come to see you, but I'm told grandpa his been watching over you."

"You've got a good baby with this one," Brian smiles putting his hand through the other porthole, "She doesn't cry much. Only when she's hungry or needs a change."

The nurse comes in with a bottle, "I was just about to give your daughter another bottle, would you like to?" She offers Alyssia the bottle.

Feeding her daughter her bottle, Alyssia is surprised by how little and light she is, like holding a feather, "She needs a name," The nurse states and questions.

"Olivia," Alyssia says without hesitation. Had they had a little boy, she would have waited till Toby was awake to get his input, but they knew without question the name if they had another girl, "Toby and I said if we had another girl she would be Olivia Sarah May."

"I'll sort the birth certificate."

Once Alyssia finished feeding Olivia, Brian and Anita escort their daughter to Toby's room.

Alyssia expected him to be on his own when they got there, but to her surprise, Jenna and Sarah are sat on chairs on the far side of the bed.

Sarah is holding her son's hand and looks up as the door opens, she gasps and her eyes well up, "Lissy," She stands, rounding the bed to hug her daughter in law, "I'm so glad your safe, are Ivy and the new baby alright?"

"Yeah, Ivy's okay. She's at Roger's for the moment and the new baby is a little girl, Olivia Sarah, and she's doing really well, no complications just small."


"How's Toby?" Alyssia wheels herself over to the side of her husband's bed.

"There's not much change, but the doctor said he's more stable than he was and he's breathing on his own now," The breathing tube was removed just after Sarah and Jenna arrived, "They just don't know when he'll wake."

Anita and Brian decide to go home at that point to freshen up and get some sleep. Sarah and Jenna go to meet Olivia before going to Mavis' to drop off their bags, they came straight from the airport.

It gives Alyssia some time with Toby, "Hey Toby," She slides her hand into his, "We have another baby girl, Olivia Sarah, as we wanted. She's okay, small but beautiful, so don't you dare go anywhere because the three of us need you," Tears slide down her cheeks as she kisses the back of his hand, "I love you."

The following day, Alyssia has a full assessment and miraculously there is no lasting damage to her legs. While it could take four to six weeks for her to walk properly on it and she'll be on crutches for that time, she's thankful she can still walk and didn't lose her leg.

When Alyssia is discharged later that day, Brian gives her a lift home and Roger meets them there with Ivy.

Ivy clings to her mum when Alyssia lifts her into a hug, "Was she okay?" She asks Roger giving him a side hug.

"She had a bad dream the first night and moved to sleep in Tigerlily's bed then last night she slept in Lola's bed and there were no bad dreams," Roger tried to keep her as occupied as possible to distract her from thinking of her mum and dad, but when he tucked her into bed both nights Ivy would ask for them.

"Do you need me to stay?" Brian doesn't want to leave either of them alone for fear that something happens or Alyssia gets a call from the hospital about Toby or Olivia.

"No, it's okay. Vicky's still here, she's having some painting and renovations done at her new place before moving in so we said she could stay till it was done. Would you mind coming back tomorrow and giving me and Ivy a lift to the hospital?" She wants Ivy to meet her baby sister and maybe see Toby.

Brian hugs both of them in one, "Of course, get some sleep and try not to worry," He advises his daughter, knowing she'll be awake half the night worrying about Toby and Olivia.

"I will. Thank you for looking after Ivy," Alyssia gives Roger a hug, "I owe you."

"You owe me nothing. Your family and we help each other when we need it," Roger wraps his arms around her, then gives Ivy the lion teddy he was holding for her until that point. Ivy gives him a tired smile, cuddling the teddy close.

Next week's update days should be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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