Bohemian Rhapsody

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This is the last chapter guys.

After John was born, having a baby in the house again keeps Alyssia and Joe busy. With Ivy and Olivia to look after on top of him time flies.

Before they know it, it's the night of the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere and Joe is waiting for Alyssia to finish getting ready.

They are staying at a hotel near the arena to save waking the kids by getting home late that evening. Zoe and Paige are kindly looking after the three.

"Lissy, are you..." Joe turns to the door of the hotel bedroom as it opens and his jaw drops, "Wow."

Alyssia gives him a full view of the dress, "What do you think?"

Alyssia gives him a full view of the dress, "What do you think?"

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He kisses her softly before answering, "Gorgeous beyond words."

"I like this suit," She compliments him, blushing under his gaze, "I like the brown, it suits you. You look very handsome, you'll have all the female fans wanting to be with you."

"Next to Ben? I doubt it, but that's okay I've already found the right woman for me, now come on," He offers her his arm, "We can't be late." They join Ben, Gwilym, Rami and Lucy, travelling in the same car to the venue.

Upon arriving, they are met by flashing camera lights and shouts from fans and news reporters trying to get their attention.

It's overwhelming, to say the least, though for most of them it is normal but when Alyssia spots John and Veronica arriving she is quick to meet them hoping to help them feel at ease, "You came," She grins, hugging him briefly.

"I said I would and honestly I just want to see the film. You've hyped it up so much and so has Luke, I don't think I could wait till the DVD release date."

"Well, we're glad you're here," Brian interrupts glad to see his old friend, "You deserve to be. Come on, I'd like to introduce you to a few people."

Alyssia rejoins Joe, standing for photos with him and the rest of the group as well as a few quick interviews.

Soon they're all inside and sitting ready to watch the film, Brian and Roger stand at the front to say a few words then the film beings. Alyssia sits between Joe and John, but from the beginning, she is in awe of the film. Losing herself in the emotions of a time when she didn't exist yet, getting to know her uncle Freddie better than she ever has.

Captivated, she laughs at the good bits, sings with the songs and cries with the sad scenes, Bohemian Rhapsody has everything and she loves every moment of it.

When the live aid scene begins, chills run up her spine giving her goosebumps. Periodically she glances at John to make sure he's okay, he seems just has captivated despite it being some of his life portrayed on screen.

She cries as the film ends almost wanting more. The film receives a round of applause from those watching and looking down the row of seats, the same feelings are shared, they've created something special no matter what the critics say.

Soon they leave the arena and the after party begins, celebrating the masterpiece they have created, "You were amazing," Alyssia compliments her husband, "You all were," She extends it to the group.

"I concur," Brian interrupts them, "You all did an incredible job and created a better film than we ever thought we would get."

"I don't care what the critics say," Roger continues, "It's a job well done."

Adam raises his glass, "To Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody." They all repeat the toast.


"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Ivy and Olivia run through their grandparent's house to find Brian.

"Do I hear my name?" Brian exits the study to join the pair in the living room with Alyssia and little John on the opposite sofa.

"Yep, we've just been to see Bohemian Rhapsody," Ivy informs him sitting beside him.

Alyssia couldn't resist taking the girls to see it and she's glad she did because they loved it, "Yeah, and what did you think?"

"It was sooo good," Olivia gushes, "I'm going to be a rockstar like you and uncle Wog when I'm older, your so cool."

Ivy nods along with her sister, "We have to learn everything about Queen, will you teach us."

"I'd love to," Brian grins, glad that his granddaughter's loved the film so much.

"I thought I heard little voices," Anita enters the room putting her bag down.

"Granny!" The pair bound over to her telling her everything about the film.

"They really enjoyed it, huh?" Brian mutters talking to his daughter.

"You have no idea, the people in the cinema were just as captivated and the variety in age was a marvel to see. Your next tour is going to have a lot of new young fans."

"Yes, that tour is already being planned," But to have young fans along with their original fans is something they are excited to experience, "Miami expects it to sell out fast."


Following the release of Bohemian Rhapsody in cinemas, the film gained an overwhelmingly positive reaction from fans new and old. People loved it and soon they receive nominations for the Baftas, Golden Globes and the Oscars.

It's a high the boys ride while on the press tour, which for some reason included Joe dragging a life-size cardboard cutout of Ben around since he couldn't join them due to other filming commitments.

They do well, receiving award after award then the Oscars is the icing on the cake.

Queen has the honour of opening the awards then to top the evening off Rami gets an Oscar too. It's more than any of them could ever have hoped for and gains Queen the legendary status they so deserve. Alyssia couldn't be prouder to be Brian May's daughter.

Thank you to everyone who stuck with this book till the end, I know it hasn't been as good as previous books and I'm sorry for that. I hope my next book will regain the spark my other books have.

It will probably be around the beginning of July when the new book gets uploaded though I am on holiday from today for a week so I might not get much writing done till I come back off holiday. I will, of course, update this book with the new book is up.

Once again, thank you so much for reading. See you in the next one.

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