Sick Day

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Coming home after being in L.A, Alyssia was excited to tell all her friends and family of their engagement. So of course the first people she tells are her parents, well her mum since Brian already knows.

"It's beautiful, Lissy," Anita admires the ring, "But are you sure you're ready for that commitment again?" Anita can't blame her daughter for wanting a relationship, but she wants to make sure it's for the right reasons.

"Absolutely. I know I still miss Toby and there will always be a part of me that loves him, but I know how I feel with Joe and it's the same feeling I had at the beginning with Toby. The girl's like him, and Joe has told me himself that he's growing to love them the more he knows them."

"Good, then I won't ask again. Do you think it will be a big wedding?"

"No, Joe and I have discussed we want close friends and family there for a small wedding. We're also looking to have the wedding sooner rather than later, Joe wants his dad there and doctors don't believe Mr Mazzello will last must longer than August next year."

Of course, Joe will want his dad there, "So when are you thinking?"

"We're looking at the February half term week. It's soon, but I honestly don't mind, I've done the big white wedding once before. As long our families are there, it wouldn't bother me if we got married in the garden."

"You could do that," Brian chimes in, "For the reception, I mean. Our garden in Surrey is more than big enough."

"Hmm..." It would save them time and money finding a venue, "I'll keep it in mind, thanks, dad."


The first day back on set after being away brought production to a halt, Singer, the director hasn't shown up for work and continues his absence for the next few days until Brian and Roger turn up on set on day 5 with news none of them wants to hear, "Guys, Singer has been fired. That sadly means we are going to have to halt production for the next week or two until we can find a replacement."

"We're coming back though, right?" Gwilym asks, they are all committed to this film and everyone is now as passionate as Brian and Roger about getting this film out for people to see.

"We truly hope so," Roger is raging inside, as soon as Singer started turning up late on set, they knew this was coming, "Keep your phones where you can hear them and you'll be the first to know when the ball will get rolling again."

"Until then," Brian continues, "Take this unexpected break as a chance to refresh your batteries. We are not going to let this film drop so don't lose hope."

Reluctantly, the boys head back to the hair and make-up trailers, "I can't believe this," Ben huffs, "This is bollocks."

"You can say that again," Rami cannot disagree with that. This break will push production back further, it's not ideal by any means, but their main concern is they won't find a replacement and the film gets scraped.

"Shall we head home?" Joe mutters as he slips his jacket on and takes Alyssia's hand.

So he can get used to being around the girls on a day to day basis, instead of staying in the hotel he was in previously, he agreed to start living with Alyssia. They've also started the process of getting Joe a Visa and citizenship to legally live in the UK.

"A lie down on the sofa sounds amazing," Yesterday she started feeling rough and like she was coming down with a sickness bug, it turned out the be the start of her next period, but this one is knocking her for six, "I can't remember the last time I had the house to myself without the girls there, I can watch whatever I like on the TV," There are only so many cartoons she can sit through before her brain starts turning to mush.

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