A New Face

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Happy New Year Everyone!!! Hope 2022 is a good one for you all xx

The first day of their second year at high school brought a new face to the Olympic trio's friend group.

Toby joins Alyssia, Zoe and Victoria for lunch, wanting to spend more time with Alyssia, but there is a blonde-haired boy with him.

"So you finally took my offer," Alyssia beams, happy that he has.

"It's not going to be an everyday thing," Toby warns then gesture to the boy next to him, "Girls, this is Ben Jones. He's my buddy for the year, Ben, this is Lissy, and these are her friends, Vicky and Zoe."

"Nice to meet you three, Lissy is Alyssia, the girl you were telling me about before they arrived," He teases making Toby blush, he ignores his shit-eating grin.

"Your Toby's year seven buddy right?" Zoe asks saving Ben from digging his grave deeper, the buddy scheme was mentioned in the assembly that morning.

"Yes, I am. Is it true you competed in the commonwealth games this summer?"

"I did, yeah," Zoe blushes, she did really well at the games, she didn't get a medal but a lot of the media commented that she'll be one to watch in the 2004 Olympics if she gets there.

"What do you want to do Ben?" Alyssia can feel herself sounding like a mum for asking that question.

"I want to be an actor." He's a good looking sod even at this age, Alyssia will give him that, he'll certainly have that on his side for his dream career. She notes Victoria not so subtly staring at him.

Ben continues talking to Zoe but Alyssia turns her attention to Toby muttering, "You were talking to Ben about me."

"Why wouldn't I? I'd rather not talk about my parents and to talk about my sister would eventually lead to what happened, your the only person in my life worth talking about."

"Your such a sap," She teases, she likes the fact that he's telling his friend about her.

After eating, Zoe pulls Alyssia to the side while walking out to the field with the others, "I need to talk to you about something."

"Anything, what's up?" They took enough of her problems over the past few years, the least she can do is be there for them when they need her.

Zoe pulls her to a stop, whispering, "Somewhere private." She glances at her friends then back at the school building.

Alyssia gets the message, "Let's go to the library, give me one second," She catches up to Toby and links her hand with his getting him to stop.

"Everything alright?" He asks, noting that Zoe is lagging behind.

"Zoe wants to talk, girl stuff I think. Tell the others we'll be back out in a bit," She leans up to kiss his cheek, "Go save Ben from Vicky." Her friend is practically drooling over Ben.

"Come on," She drags Zoe to the library, "So... what do you want to talk about?"

They're in the far quiet corner of the library, Alyssia's normal reading corner because no one ever disturbs her, "How did you know you liked Toby?"

"Um... I enjoy his company, he can make me smile without even trying and there is that warm fuzzy feeling that people talk about but it's still very early days for us. I'm still waiting on a proper date," It's been a long summer Toby's dad kept him doing chores over and making sure he stays in the house so a proper date hasn't been an option.

"Why do you ask? Is there a girl you think you like?" They haven't spoken about Zoe's confession since July but Alyssia sees the way Zoe looks at girls, it's the same way Victoria looks at attractive guys or she looks at Toby.

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