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Alyssia is surrounded by a void of white, "Hello? Where am I?" She calls out, her voice echoing. She takes tentative steps trying to figure out where she is, "Is anyone there?"

"Over here, lovie," A playful male voice speaks. She turns towards it seeing a man dressed in a vaguely familiar outfit. White trousers with red stripes down the outer sides, a white muscle shirt and a yellow jacket over the top.

The man gives her a warm smile, revealing an overbite below his moustache, "Do you know who I am, Lissy."

Tears form in the corners of her eyes and her bottom lip wobbles, "You're my Uncle Freddie, aren't you?"

"Yes, lovie." She steps closer to him and hugs his waist. He knees to her level hugging her properly, "I'm surprised you recognise me, you were just a baby the last time I saw you."

"I saw your passing on the news. At the time I had no idea who you were and yet I found myself crying for your loss, I think even then, in the back of my mind, I knew who you were to me."

"I'm sorry I didn't hold on to see you come home. How long did it take them to find you?"

"Six and a half years. I'm sorry I didn't remember soon enough," Maybe if she had stuck with her original gut instinct on the plane she would have seen Freddie before he passed away.

"You should not be apologizing, you didn't ask to be kidnapped. I'm just glad your okay, well you were."

Alyssia then realises the situation they're in, "Wait, am I dead? Because no offence but I know you are but I don't remember that happening."

"That's because you're not dead yet. You were hit by a car, this," He gestures to the void around them, "I guess you could say it's your decision point, you can choose to pass on with me or go back."

"I don't want to go yet even if it meant getting to know you better."

Freddie smiles, "I'm glad you're a fan, my dear, you should go back but it's your decision, not mine."

"I'll go back but I'm not sure how to fix everything, I've made such a mess of my life so far."

"It happens to us all deary, start by saying sorry and the rest will follow. Cute cat by the way."

"I called him Freddie, after you."

"I'm honoured, you give that sweet boy a big cuddle and lots of kisses from me. Oh and Lissy," He stops her before she goes, "You don't need to lose weight and you never did. Get back to your original weight and follow the diet plan Katie gave you, it will get you into the shape you need to be for skating."

She nods taking his advice, "Thank you, it was nice to meet you, Uncle Freddie."

"You too, lovie."


As consciousness slowly comes back to Alyssia, she can hear the steady beeping of hospital machines and hands holding her hands.

Opening her eyes, the room isn't bright white like she expected it to be, someone has turned the lights down making the room dark but enough to see what is going on. She also notes that it's dark outside.

Bringing her attention back to the bed, she realises it's her parents holding her hands, her mum is set in a chair on her left asleep and her dad is on her right, his head on the bed by her hand.

Testing her movement, she moves her fingers to play with her dad's curls, it has the desired effect of stirring him.

"Lissy?" He's up from his seat in a heartbeat hugging her the best he can without hurting her, "Thank god you're awake."

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