Trial By Fire

363 15 4

September 2017

After dropping Ivy at school, Alyssia drove another five minutes to the same nursery she used for Ivy but this time it is Olivia's first day, "You ready for your first day?" She turns in her seat to look at her daughter.

Olivia shakes her head nervously, an entirely different scene from the day Alyssia first dropped Ivy at nursery.

Ivy had been very excited to go in and didn't get upset when Alyssia left but Olivia, though she would never say it to Olivia's face, is not as brave as her older sister.

Both her daughters are different to each other, Ivy is loud, bubbly and friendly, willing to make friends with anyone.

On the other hand, Olivia is quiet and shy despite her love for playing the drums and music, Roger kindly promised to gift Olivia with a set of drums this coming Christmas. She's cautious about making friends and prefers her own company or that of her family.

"I promise it will be okay, Libby," Alyssia helps Olivia out of the car and they walk into the building, once the worker greets them, she gives the pair a moment to say goodbye.

Crouching down, Alyssia pulls Olivia into a quick hug and kisses her cheek, "Be good and I'll pick you up later, okay?"

"Don't go," Olivia holds onto Alyssia's neck, teary-eyed and lower lip wobbling.

Alyssia's heart breaks but pulls her daughter back a little to see her face, "It's gonna be okay, you'll get to play and make friends and I'll pick you up this afternoon."

"No good at friends."

"I know you're not good at making friends, but the best way of fixing that is to practice, even if it's only one friend. Can you try for me?" She wipes Olivia's face dry.

"Okay," She mutters giving her mum another hug. The worker comes back and takes Olivia's bag and hand, leading her into the room.

Driving to the airfield where Live Aid is being filmed, Alyssia cries a little, that was harder than Ivy's first day. By the time she reaches the airfield, her tears have dried and she is ready for the day ahead.

"Wow," Her jaw drops, staring at the stage remake as a crew member directs her where to park.

"This is incredible," She voices aloud when she finds Brian and Roger.

"They've done a fantastic job," Brian agrees, literally in awe of the place.

"Morning," Roger greets, "How was Olivia?"

"She got upset, but she promised to try and make at least one friend," Olivia usually makes good on her promises.

The conversation trailed off there and they go onto the stage where Rami, Gwilym, Joe and Ben are practising and gearing up to start.

"Shouldn't you guys be in hair and make-up?" She wonders, desperate to see them in their costumes.

Joe shakes his head, "That's not till tomorrow."

"They want us to mark out the scene today and we start filming properly from tomorrow," Gwilym informs her.

With that, she joins her dad and uncle in the box in front of the stage along with Miami to watch. Even without hair, make-up and costume, you could see the scene come to life and the BoRhap boys look like they've been on stage for years.

One thing Alyssia noticed is that Joe spends most of the day with a baseball cap, she waits till most of the work is done for the day and the boys are goofing around waiting to be told they can go to say something, "What's with the hat, Joey?"

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