The Final Hurdle

382 20 9

This chapter contains slight smut

July 2005

Alyssia was fast asleep when the sound of a car pulling up outside woke her up, her bedside clock reads 1:30am.

Rubbing her tired eyes, she stumbles out of bed, disturbing Freddie and Meddow in the process, to her bedroom window overlooking the street.

It's the car Brian uses for events so he doesn't have to drive himself. Her dad gets out of the car and she grins, today was the last night of the European section of the Queen + Paul Rodgers tour.

Excited to see her dad after nearly four months away, she waits for the car to drive off then races out of her room and makes it to the top of the stairs as Brian closes the front door.

He hadn't noticed Alyssia at the top, but she bounces down to stairs and crushes him in a very tight hug, "You're not allowed to go on tour again."

Brian drops his bags and wraps his arms around her, "Yeah, why is that?"

"Because the cats missed you."

"Oh, the cats missed me, huh? Not you or your mum then?"

"Nope, never even noticed you were gone."

He chuckles, pulling back to pick up his bags, Alyssia carries his guitar for him, "You've gotten taller," He noticed as they head back upstairs.

"Yep and you're in trouble with mum for that one. I'm now taller than her and she doesn't like it," She's had a sudden growth spurt in the last month but given her age, it will probably be her last growth spurt.

"Yeah, but you still have a ways to go to catch up with me," He takes his guitar from her when reaching his room, "Come on now, bed. I'll see you in the morning," He hugs her once more, kissing her forehead and she retreats to her room.


"You ready for this weekend?" Toby asks, running his fingers through Alyssia's hair as she doses with her head is in his lap.

"Hmm...?" She opens her eyes looking up at him. The last week of school before the summer holidays had been stressful, full of mock exams ready for their last year in September and skating practice for the Olympic qualifiers.

"Sorry, what did you say?" The stressful week has led to a few sleepless nights, so feeling relaxed paired with the warmth helps her dose off, making her miss the question entirely.

It's a lovely warm summers day and the first day of the summer holidays. Toby wanted to do something, so Alyssia told him to meet her for a picnic in the park near her London home.

Toby chuckles, kissing her hand, "I asked if you are ready for this weekend? For the qualifiers?"

"Oh, I think so. I can't practice any more than I have, I just hope that I don't fall at the final hurdle like last time." She gets him to lie back on the blanket and she shifts to lie with him in the crook of his arm, head on his chest, playing with his large hand.

"You won't, you know why?"

"Why?" She envies his confidence.

"Because this time I will be there to watch. I wasn't last time, that's what you were missing."

Rolling on her front, she smirks, "Oh yeah, because until you came into my life nothing could have worked right."

"Exactly," He runs a hand through her hair, cupping the back of her neck to pull her down into a heated kiss.

The kiss would have depended if it hadn't been for a few drops of rain pulling them apart, they barely had a minute to move before the drops turned into a full downpour.

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