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"Do I look alright?" Walking beside Toby, Alyssia fusses with the skirt she is wearing as they leave the tube station.

She's going to meet Toby's Grandma today and she wants this to go well and to look respectable.

Since Toby came home, he's been so much happier, he loves living with his Grandma. He's back at school concentrating on getting his grades up to a good standard, ready to start their GCSEs in September.

 He's back at school concentrating on getting his grades up to a good standard, ready to start their GCSEs in September

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He links his fingers with hers as they walk, smiling lovingly at her, "You look really pretty but there's no need to worry, my Grandma will love you, as I do."

Blushing, she stops fussing, trying to calm her nerves, "I just want it to go well. You are the happiest I've ever seen you and it makes me happy."

"You'll be fine," He promises once more as they come to the door of his new home, he holds the door open for her.

The smell of freshly cooked food washes over her and it smells amazing. Toby leads her through the living room to the kitchen, "Gran?"

His Grandma is at the oven pulling out what she assumes is lunch, the woman is a similar height to Anita but slightly curvy and grey shoulder length.

Donning a kind smile when she looks over her shoulder. "Oh, your both early," The older woman quickly discards her oven gloves and hurries over to the pair pulling Alyssia into a swift hug, "You must be Alyssia."

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, Mrs..."

"Oh, none of that dear, call me Mavis. I've heard a lot about you from Toby but you are a beautiful young lady, I can see why you've captured my grandson's heart," She grins making Toby blush bright red, "I look forward to treating you as my own granddaughter in time."

A timer goes off, pulling Mavis back to the oven, "Toby, could you set the table, love?"

"Of course," Toby grabs some cutlery from the drawer and goes into the dining room, leaving Alyssia with his grandma.

"Would you like a hand?" She offers, wanting to be of use.

"If you don't mind dear. Could you get me three plates from the top cupboard to your right?" Alyssia grabs them passing them over, "Thank you."

They sit down to lunch and the conversation flows smoothly, "Toby tells me your a figure skater?" Mavis asks before taking a mouthful.

"Yes, I've been skating since I was two and started lessons at the age of three and I love it," She's unsure how much Toby has told his Grandma about her past so she decides against mentioning that part, for now.

"Do you compete?"

"I do. I've passed all my levels and test competitions then I competed at the European Championships in January and the World Championships in March," Alyssia wonders why she was so nervous.

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