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Just for clarification, I am not a doctor or medical professional any medical stuff in this chapter i.e. the castor oil, is just what I've found off the internet do not use this as medical advice.

The 24th of January came and went with no sign of Alyssia going into labour. It's now the 31st of January and there's still not a lot of sign of anything happening.

She's experienced Brixton Hicks for the past two days, the baby has dropped and the head is engaged but a week overdue, she is fed up.

"What does Megan say?" Anita came over to see her daughter hoping to provide her with some distraction.

Alyssia shrugs, "They can induce me from tomorrow but not before unless if there's any sudden change in the baby's movement," That is not the case as the baby is happily kicking away.

"I've tried everything I can think of to induce natural labour, exercise, spicy food even sex," She mutters the last one, aware that her mum does not want to know about hers and Toby's sex life.

"Have you tried castor oil?" Anita suggests trying to think of safe ways to help her daughter.

Anita was scared when she went into premature labour with Alyssia. She feared the worst and wished she had made it to full term, but she can imagine the discomfort Alyssia is feeling right now. And at 41 weeks, she can't blame her for wanting the baby out.

"Castor oil?" Alyssia feels a glimmer of hope.

"Not a lot of it, 2 tablespoons mixed with water or squash can bring on contractions."

Her glimmer of hope disappears, "I don't have any castor oil."

"I can nip to the shop for you? Where is Toby?"

"Toby has gone to do a food shop so we have stuff in the house when we come home from the hospital. Can you help me upstairs before you go? I'm going to have a nap."

"Okay," Anita helps Alyssia to stand and then up the stairs, "You gonna be alright on your own?"

"Yeah, you'll only be gone an hour at the most," She lays on the bed, the relief on her back is like magic, "And I can ring you, dad or Toby if I need to, but it's okay, this one isn't in any hurry to come out."

She must have been more tired than she realised because she wakes about 45 minutes later by movement downstairs, "Mum! Is that you?" She calls out hoping it is.

"No, just me," Toby shouts back, "Putting the shopping away."

"Okay," Sitting up she feels the urge to pee come on very suddenly and Alyssia barely gets a chance to get off the bed before a gush of fluid wets her underwear, trousers and the floor.

"Oh god," She mutters, "Toby!"

"What's the matter, babe?"

"Um... my waters just broke," She hears nothing in return.

Silence, that's it. Then, "Shit," Toby leaves the last of the shopping and legs it upstairs, "You serious?" He appears in the doorway.

"Well, I could have just peed myself," A firm and strong contraction cuts her off, "Oh, never mind," She breathes through the contraction gripping the bedside table, "This is happening."

"Okay," He creates a plan in his head, "I'll get the bags in the car then I'll come back and help you downstairs, okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine," She can't imagine the labour will move too quickly.

While Toby is sorting the car, Alyssia rings her mum, "Lissy, you okay?" Anita answers, putting the phone on loudspeaker

"I don't need that castor oil anymore, my waters broke."

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