18th Birthday

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July 2007 saw Emily graduate with her law degree from uni. Then in August 2007, Brian submitted his thesis titled A Survey of Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud and a month later, in September, it was approved.

With this project finished and more time on his hands again, he gets busy planning a surprise for Alyssia's 18th birthday with Roger.

The morning of Alyssia's 18th birthday, Brian and Anita knock on her bedroom door before entering, loudly singing happy birthday.

Yawning through a laugh, she stretches getting Freddie and Meddow to move from their curled up positions on either side of her, "Thanks," She grins, opening the first present Anita hands her.

Her 18th birthday presents include money, clothes from Chrissie, Louisa and Emily, her provisional licence from her parents as well as paying for her driving test in February, alcohol from Roger and Jimmy and a beautiful wine glass with 18 on it from John and Veronica. She'll get her presents from Toby and her friends tonight at her birthday meal.

Brian and Anita originally suggested a party to her, but she turned down the suggestion as none of her friends are 18 yet so there's no point in a night out. Alyssia and her friends agreed that on Toby's birthday that all, except Ben because he's not 18 for another few months after Toby, will have a proper night out.

"Is there any other plans for today apart from the meal?" She doesn't mind if there isn't, but her parents have been giving each other eager looks the entire time she sat opening her presents, so they obviously have something up their sleeve.

"We do have something else planned, but it's a surprise," Brian wanted to do something special for her 18th, "So get dressed and come down for breakfast then we'll leave."

"But I don't know what to wear if I don't know where I'm going."

"I'll sort that," Anita helps her pick out a pair of leggings and her new light grey long t-shirt with white and black musical notes on it that Emily got her, "Don't worry, you don't need to be dressed up, just comfortable. A cardigan and some comfy shoes to go with and your all set, though take this with you," She hands Alyssia her songbook.

Suspicious, Alyssia takes it dropping it into her bag with a pencil, then gets dressed. After breakfast, Brian takes her to the hallway and passes her a tie, "Doesn't go with my outfit," She quips smirking.

"It's not to wear," He rolls his eyes, "It's a blindfold," He ties it over her eyes, "Can you see?" He checks once it's tied in place.

Is he serious? "No, you just blindfolded me."

"Good, wait there," She hears him walks away, picking up something heavy by the sound of it and his car keys. He then shouts bye to Anita.

"Is mum not coming?"

"Nope." That's it, that's all she gets?

Brian takes her hand and leads her out to the car, she hears the car door open and he tries to help her in the car until she hits her head on the door frame, "Ow."

"Sorry," He mutters then puts a hand on her head guiding her into the car a bit better.

"I feel like I've been arrested. Why couldn't I have put the blindfold on in the car?"

"Because you'd see what I'm holding now put your seatbelt on," Brian shuts the door, puts the thing on the back seat then climbs into the driver's seat.

Alyssia hates wearing this blindfold because she can't see it's heightened her other senses and she hears an actually high up plane like it's just above them, "Are we going to the airport?" She immediately gets excited, "Am I going on holiday, was it my suitcase you were holding?"

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