High School

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September 2001

"Mum! Have you seen my shoes?" Alyssia shouts, coming down the stairs as she tries to do her tie for the third time.


"Thanks," She stuffs her feet into her shoes and gives up on her tie, "I can't do it," She huffs in defeat, passing her tie to her dad.

"I'll show you once then you try yourself," He does just that, tying it once then undoes it letting her try.

She follows his instructions getting it right the first time, "Thanks, dad."

It's Alyssia's first day at high school, after breakfast she runs back upstairs to collect her bag and blazer. Waiting for her friends, she stands in front of the mirror in the hall brushing her curls out.

"Ugh, why is my hair so fluffy?" With Alyssia going through puberty a lot about her body has changed, something's good, some bad.

She's getting taller and taller every day, quickly catching up with her mum. She's lost most of her baby fat, gaining a beautiful figure skaters figure, filling out in the chest department and her once tameable curls are now untameable, Alyssia's current nightmare.

"Your hair isn't that fluffy," Anita tries to reassure her, "Come here," She pulls her back to the kitchen and wets her hands then runs her fingers through Alyssia's curls, getting rid of the frizz.

"Sorry," Brian mouths from the kitchen table as his daughter glares at him, making a memo in his brain to find her a good pair of straighteners for her birthday. It's his fault after all and it will get a moody teenager off his back for a while.

"There," Anita stands her in front of the mirror again, adjusting the braids Alyssia has already done.

A knock at the door tells Alyssia it's time to go, she opens the door for her friends then turns to her mum, "See you later

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A knock at the door tells Alyssia it's time to go, she opens the door for her friends then turns to her mum, "See you later. Bye, Dad!" She shouts to the kitchen, getting a bye back.

"Be careful," Anita warns her, "And have a good first day girls."

Alyssia is walking with her friends to school from now on, it took a while to convince her parents to let that happen but the other school kids will be doing it so they couldn't really say no.


The first few hours of school were long and boring, the induction assembly and meeting their tutors. The girls are in the same tutor group getting what they need i.e. school planners, timetables and P.E kits.

First break soon arrives and they get some freedom to talk before their first lesson of the day, "You're not in all our classes," Zoe moans comparing hers and Victoria's timetable with Alyssia's.

"That's because Lissy is a brain box and is in the top set for everything," Victoria takes her timetable back.

After October, Alyssia's last year of primary school went a lot smoother. With Eva no longer a concern, she was able to focus on her school work in time for her SATs test papers.

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