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Surprise update!!!

I couldn't keep you guys waiting until Friday but this chapter is also a thank you. Guys this story has already reached 1k+ reads but also my first book Little Mercury has 75k reads, which is mind-blowing, I never thought it would get that many so thank you.

Little Mercury readers please read till the end, there will be a question for you.

Brian was quick to call the police after the woman fled, he also spoke to the hotel staff and stops outside Roger hotel door on his way back up to the room to wait for the police.

Roger swings the door open looking very unhappy to be woken up, "It's 2am, this better be good."

"Alyssia's missing," Brian mutters.

"Oh shit," Now wide awake, Roger follows Brian back to his room, where he gets an explanation of what happened.

The police arrive quickly and get straight to work. The main detective put on the case, DCI Brookes, comes into talk to Brian, Anita and Roger.

They give her a full explanation of what happened, "You didn't get a good look at the figure?"

"No. You could tell she was female but the woman was already out the window," Brian answers the question calmly but quickly snaps, "Look, I know you need to ask these questions but can't you send someone out to look for them. My daughter has been taken." Anita grabs Brian's hand, silently telling him to calm down.

DCI Brookes sympathises, "Mr May, there are officers already searching the hotel grounds, we have officers going door to door checking every hotel room and another officer checking the CCTV footage. I promise we're doing everything we can at this point to find your daughter. Once we have more details, we can do more."

He nods dropping heavily onto the sofa beside Anita, head in his hands, "I'm sorry."

"No need Mr May, I completely understand your concern and eagerness to find her. We will find her. Is there anyone you can think of that would want to take your daughter?"

"No," He sighs, Anita and Roger shake their heads as well.

"Do you have a recent photo of your daughter that we can use?"

"Yes," Anita grabs her bag and pulls out a Polaroid photo for Alyssia in her new skates before she went onto the ice yesterday as a 'this is where it started' picture, "It was taken yesterday."

"Can you think of anything Alyssia was wearing or had on her that would make her easy to spot or identify?"

"She had one of my t-shirts on as a nightdress and there should a penguin necklace in her hand if she hasn't dropped it," Brian continues to give a full description of the two items.


Since the hotel room is now a crime scene, Brian and Anita head to their London home, wanting to stay close to the police.

Anita felt so lost not knowing what to do with herself. She goes to bed in hope that she'll wake up at it will all have been a bad dream.

But Brian can't sleep, he's angry. Angry with himself, angry with the world and angry with whoever took his daughter.

He drives to Freddie's needing someone to vent to, "We should have just gone to the home, we have a house in London for a reason," Brian vents pacing back and forth in front of Freddie's bed, "If we'd gone home she would have been safe, right?" He looks at Freddie.

Freddie opens his mouth to answer but doesn't get the chance, "It's my job. My job was to keep her safe and I failed. I'm a failure, I wrecked my first marriage, destroyed my children's happiness and now I've failed this family too."

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