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"Higher," Rami commands Ben in Freddie Mercury's voice.

"If I go any higher only dogs will hear me."

"Freddie's note. Sorry," Joe speaks through the recording booth mic.

Alyssia stands to the side out of camera view watching the scene unfold. They are in Wales at the original Rockfield Farm, getting in some outdoor scenes done before the bad weather starts and of course the making of Bohemian Rhapsody scenes too.

Roger and Brian should arrive soon. With Allen not needed on set for the moment, he is stood beside Alyssia, "Has Joe taken you on that date yet?"

"No, but he says he has something planned while we're here," The past two weeks have just been too hectic for the BoRhap boys to do anything besides film and sleep but Joe promised her the day they arrived in Wales that he's got a plan for their date while they are here. She trusts him to come through on his word.

When Brian arrives Gwilym is in the booth, "Wow, it's like looking back in time," He still can't get over how much Gwilym looks like him with the wig on.

"He's brilliant," Alyssia agrees, "And he has your voice nailed. If I were to talk to him without seeing him I'd be certain it was you. How are the girls? Is Ivy feeling better?"

Ivy and Olivia have been staying at Brian and Anita's while Alyssia is in Wales but the day she left, Ivy came down with a cold and though Alyssia was ready to turn the car around and go home, Anita insisted that Ivy would be fine and there was no need for her to drive back. She wasn't pleased with the insistence but she trusts her mum to tell her if it was serious.

"They're both fine and Ivy is feeling much better after a day off school to sleep and rest," As he finished his sentence, the director called cut on the scene and he goes over to Gwilym.


"Hey," Joe leans on the back of the sofa Alyssia is sitting on, "Go get changed and meet me back here in 20 minutes."

"Ooo.... is this our date?" She sits up turning to face him, "Can I know where we're going?"

"Yes it is and no you can't, but wear shoes you can walk in and bring a jacket," With that, she pecks his lips and runs upstairs to get changed.

The BoRhap boys plus, Alyssia and Allen are staying in the guest house they have on the farm. The original one Queen stayed in is being kept entirely as a filming set.

Half an hour later, they leave the house and walk up the dirt path towards their destination, hands linked but quietly basking in the peaceful nature around them.

They eventually come to a hill with a tree at the top, at the bottom of that tree is a blanket, a safe distance from the hill edge, and a picnic basket, "Joe," Alyssia gasps in awe.

From the tree, there is the most amazing view of the countryside and a clear sky for the stars above, "How did you know this was here?"

"Your dad told me it was here, he informed me that this is the best time to see the stars and there is also a meteor shower tonight," Alyssia doesn't say anything for a moment and he suddenly wonders if he should have just taken her for a meal instead, "Would you have preferred doing something else? I..."

He is cut off by her pressing a kiss to his lips, "I love this, it's perfect."

She pulls him onto the blanket and riffles through the basket finding sandwiches, drinks and her favourites, chocolates covered strawberries, "Your dad said they are your favourite," Joe grins.

"Indeed they are," She kisses him again before taking a bite of one, "Thank you for going to some much effort."

Shrugging, he grabs one too, "You're worth it."

They sit for a while talking about everything and nothing until Joe lies back on the blanket and she lies back with him, it's perfect timing for the meteor shower.

Once it finishes though, Alyssia rolls over to look at Joe, leaning on him she lets him pull her down into a kiss as heated as the one from their night out a few weeks ago, only this time she doesn't pull back.

She deepens the kiss until Joe stops them, "I don't want to do this here. I'd feel like an asshole if I did, come on," He pulls her up, leaving the blanket and basket, for now, he'll come back for it in the morning, "We can make it back in five minutes if we run."

Starting to feel the effects of not being active for some time, Alyssia pulls him back towards the house. Thankfully everyone else is in bed with they get back due to the lateness of the evening, Joe pulls her into his room and they don't stop the inevitable this time.


Stretching her arms above her head, Alyssia rolls over and into Joe. She sits up in a jerk, the feeling of panic tight in her chest, they are both naked meaning only one thing could have happened last night and she cannot remember if they used protection.

She is on the pill, but Olivia was conceived while she was on the pill, and yet when she looks over her shoulder to see Joe fast asleep, the panic in her chest subsides and her heart decides it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if it happened.

Despite their relationship still being in the early stages, she can't help but feel that she already loves him, she wonders if the crush she had on him as a younger child was a sign of her future.

A future with Joe, she wouldn't mind that but it's whether he wants that and would her girls be okay with it too.

She doesn't realise she is staring at him until Joe stirs and sees her looking at him but her eyes are glazed over. A tired one side smile tugs at his lips, "Are you going to stare at me all day or...?" Slowly her eyes come back to reality and a soft smile appears on her lips.

"You looked miles away," He sits up, softly kissing her bare shoulder.

"I was thinking about the future," She whispers, feeling that anything louder would ruin the heaven they are currently in.

"Yeah? How does it look?" After last night he doesn't want to take things slowly, but he has to know if she is on the same page.

"Happy," She smiles simply then looks straight into his eyes, "But to get there requires commitment from another."

"If commitment is what you need then I'll give it wholeheartedly, I will move to England to be with you, I will treat your daughters as if they were my own if they'll let me," He kisses her lips, "If you'll let me. I want to dive in and start towards that happiness."

"I know we've barely started our relationship, but I can already tell you that I want to dive in as well and I'm ready to love again," It's a quick turn around and she is certain they'll both get the question of is it not happening a bit quick? But in the last few days, they've been able to spend proper time together around filming and she has not been this happy since Toby was alive.

I know I'm moving their relationship along quickly, but since this is a second relationship I feel like I can do that.

Also, this week's updates will be Friday and Sunday.

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