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Thank you guys for all your kind words last weekend, I was having a bad few days but I'm feeling better now.

On a happier note, this book reached 10K+ readers thank you again.

The next two chapters have a couple of time jumps.

August 2004

"Mum, have you seen my sundress? You know the one I got..."

"In Croatia last year," Anita finishes her sentence and hands Alyssia the dress, "It ended up in my bag by mistake."

"Thank you," Alyssia takes it and slips it on over her bikini. Anita and Alyssia are in Athens, Greece with Victoria and Jodie to support Zoe at the Summer Olympics.

Zoe has done well so far, making it through the heats and to the semi-finals of the 200m backstroke and the final for the 4 x 200m freestyle relay, "Are you coming to watch today?" She braids her hair to the side once she's dressed.

"Yes of course," Anita and Jodie went to the spa yesterday instead of watching the race wanting a little adult time, they've formed a good friendship over the years, "Remind me what time the race is?"

"Um..." Alyssia puts a hair elastic in her hair then grabs the sheet of paper with Zoe's times on it, Zoe photocopied her schedule for them, "10am for the relay."

"Then let's get breakfast before we go."

They head for the aquatic centre after breakfast, having agreed to meet Victoria and Jodie there, "Just think," Anita links her arm with Alyssia's, "In a year and a half, it will be you that your dad and I will be coming to support at the Winter Olympics."

"You think I stand a chance a getting there?"

"Of course I do, Lissy," Anita pulls her to a stop, "You may not realise it but the entire Queen family is rooting for you. The number of times I've heard your dad, Roger or Miami telling people that your going to be an Olympic medallist is too many to count with just two hands. My question is, why don't you believe you can get there?"

"Because I've fallen at the last hurdle once before mum, you know that. Even if I do pass the qualifiers, I don't think I'll believe I'm going to the Olympics until I'm on the plane," She keeps imagining passing the qualifiers and something will stop her before she gets there, flight cancelled, injury or illness.

"You've had a lot happen in life, love, more than others for someone of your age, but I truly believe that this time is the ticket," It has to be because if it doesn't Anita will be the one losing it with the world, "Now put it out your mind and let's go support your friend before we miss it."

They find Victoria and Jodie, apologising for keeping them waiting then they go in to find their seats. Their time couldn't be better as the teams enter the area country by country, Team GB are the last to enter and they make sure to cheer as loud as possible for Zoe and her team.

Zoe is last in the relay, the first swimmers take their positions on the boards and on the klaxon, they dive in.

It's not till Zoe dives in that Alyssia and Victoria really start cheering her on, "Come on Zoe!" The end is close but Zoe is just pipped to the post of first place but she does come second.

They couldn't have cheered louder if they tried, as soon as the medal ceremony is complete, the girls head down to wait outside the locker rooms as Team GB hit the showers.

While they wait, Alyssia catches up with Victoria. They see each other all the time but they're always busy and never have time to actually check in on each other, "I never asked, how is your mum's job now? Everything okay at home?"

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