My World

342 19 4

This chapter is a shorter one, as will some of the ones following this just to move things along but still get in the content that is needed.

Joe had been nervous, to say the least, when he had arrived at Alyssia's house to meet Ivy and Olivia. After a short introduction, being introduced as Alyssia's friend, for the time being, they headed to a fun fair that is taking place for a couple of days nearby.

Ivy instantly gets on well with Joe, probably because she liked the goofy side of him and gets to ask him lots of questions as well as go on a few rides with him.

Olivia, however, keeps close to her mum unsure of him, Joe notices the distance Olivia is keeping from him, but he doesn't give it a second thought for the moment, knowing he has to let her warm to him in her own time.

Of course, Alyssia notices this too and tries to think of a way for the pair to be alone for a few minutes, the answer comes when Ivy asks her mum to go on a ride with her that Olivia is not quite big enough for.

While they wait in the queue for the ride, Joe and Olivia sit on a nearby bench and he wrecks his brain trying to think of something to talk to her about, he can feel her uneasiness beside him and he doesn't want her to feel that way.

She beats him to it though, "Is it true you were in Jurassic Park?" She mumbles, looking at her swinging feet.

"Yeah, it's true, when I was a child I played the little boy, Tim. You like that film?" He would have thought it might be a bit scary for her considering her age.

"Yep, it's my favourite film, I like dinosaurs."

"Your mum says you also like music, is that true?"

"Yep, I want to be a drummer like my Uncle Wog when I'm big but a boy in my class says only boys can be drummers."

"Well don't you listen to him, if you want to be a drummer let nothing hold you back," He looks around trying to find something for them to do, "Is there a ride you want to go on while we wait?"

"Hmm..." Olivia also looks around for an idea, "Race you on the bumpy slides?" She points to the fun slides.

Joe smirks, "Ooo... that sounds like a challenge, come on," He leads her over to them catching Alyssia's attention and he points to the slide so she knows where they are.

Alyssia smiles with a happy nod, she's sure the pair will be best friends by the time Olivia goes to bed.

After agreeing on a five out of five race to see who comes out victorious, Olivia is the winner and they have a final race on the double halter skelter before they meet Ivy and Alyssia as they come off their ride and decided on the bumper cars next, Olivia and Joe vs Alyssia and Ivy.

As Alyssia predicted, Joe and Olivia become fast friends which is sealed when Joe buys both girls a stick of candy floss, to eat before they head home.

On the walk back, Olivia's feet get tired and Joe offers her a piggyback, she promptly falls asleep with her arms around his neck and her head on his back. Ivy is also asleep on Alyssia's shoulder as she carries the last few meters to the house.

Upon entering the house, they take them straight upstairs to bed, Alyssia instructs Ivy to go get her pyjamas on and do her teeth while she helps Olivia get changed while she's half asleep.

Once Olivia is ready for bed, Alyssia leaves Joe to tuck her youngest in and goes to find Ivy waiting to be tucked in, "I like Joe," Ivy yawns, "Will he come back and see us?"

"If you want him to," That's just what Alyssia was hoping for, "But go to sleep now, baby," She leans forward to kiss Ivy's forehead, "Goodnight."

"Night night," Ivy rolls on her side, cuddling her teddy.

Joe pulls the covers up around Olivia, handing the girl her teddy, "Will you come back and see us?" Olivia asks, barely above a whisper.

"I will if you want me to," Joe is glad to hear those words, she yawns and curls up under her covers, "I'll see you soon," He gets up and turns the lamp off, pulling the door to so there is only a sliver of light peeking in.

Going downstairs, Joe finds Alyssia in the kitchen heating some on the stove, "Want a cup?"

"What is it?" He peeks over the rim of the saucepan to smell the heavenly scent of chocolate.

"Hot chocolate."

"Ooo... yes please," He stays quiet until she hands him a cup and follows her out to the swing chair on the back porch.

"Thank you for letting me meet the girls," Joe keeps his voice low so as not to ruin the peaceful silence around them, "They are a credit to you and you've raised them beautifully."

Alyssia blushes though proud of her girls, "Thank you."

"I know it can't have been easy, given everything that happened but if you'd allow me, I'd love to get to know them better and I'd also like to take you on a proper date?"

"I have no problem with you seeing them more, they like you, Ivy told me herself and I heard what Olivia said as I walked past her door to come downstairs. But I have one concern before agreeing to a date?"

"Tell me."

"If I let us have a relationship and it goes somewhere serious, what happens when Bohemian Rhapsody is done filming and you go back to America? I have to tell you now that I can't do a long distance relationship and as selfish as it may sound I will not move to America and uproot the girls from our family here," The girls are her world and she knows that uprooting them would make them very unhappy.

"That is something I would have to consider, but I'd be happy to move to England when and if our relationship becomes that serious," It would mean leaving his family, but honestly, he'd do it to be a part of Alyssia's little family, "For now though, can I please take you on a date?"

"I'd like that very much, just give me a date in advance and I'll ask mum to have the girls," The thought of going on a date again after all this time gives her butterflies.

Guys, I'm really sorry to do this but I don't think there will be an update tomorrow. Work has really come through on the overtime lately and I'm glad about it, but it means I have less time to write. It also means I haven't had time to finish tomorrow's chapter.

If I finish it in time it will be up but it is a strong possibility that it won't be. So going forward I'm going to have to reduce my updating to twice a week instead of three.

Trying to get three chapters written in a week at the moment is just getting me too stressed around work. I hope you understand.

Just in case there isn't an update tomorrow, next week's updates will be next Saturday and Sunday.

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