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August 2008

With the first year of his apprenticeship done and dusted, Toby has been given four weeks off to rest and rejuvenate before the start of his second year.

Not wanting to waste the time he has off, he's booking plane tickets to Australia to see his mum and sister but on this occasion, he would like Alyssia to go with him.

He was going to wait till after dinner that evening to ask her, Brian asked all his children and respective partners to dinner for a catch-up, but Anita brings up the subject of his time off, "Any plans for your time off, Toby?"

"Yes actually, I'm going to Australia to see my family, but I was going to see if Lissy wanted to come with me?"

"Really?" Alyssia has yet to meet Toby's mum and sister.

"I know your family, I'd love for you to know mine." Brian and Anita share a knowing look without the rest of the table noticing. If Toby wants Alyssia to meet his Mum, then he could be planning to pop the question in the not too distant future.

"I'd love to come," She's never been to Australia and a holiday would be nice, "When did you want to go?"

"Was looking to book the flights for Thursday, they're a touch cheaper than Friday or Saturday."

"Remember you have that audition on Friday," Anita jumps in to remind her daughter before they make a plan.

"Oh shoot, I forgot about that, um..." Alyssia has been applying for auditions since passing her driving test.

With the money she's accumulated from skating events over the last few years, she brought herself a car. This means she can apply for any audition or part and can get there without relying on Anita or Brian.

"I'll book the tickets for Saturday or Sunday then," Toby knows an audition is important to her.

"What's the audition for?" Louisa pipes up intrigued to know.

"The audition is for a part in a new period drama series called Downton Abbey. There are two parts I'm auditioning for, Daisy the kitchen maid or Lady Sybil Crawley."


The audition goes well for Alyssia but with another week of auditions for roles, she won't hear anything until after their holiday.

Toby booked the plane tickets for Sunday morning, so Brian kindly gives them both a lift to the airport at half 4 in the morning, "Thanks dad," Alyssia hugs him once they get there.

"Your welcome, have a good time and Toby..."

"Yeah," Toby yawns sorting the suitcases.

"You best look after her or you'll be walking home from the airport when I pick you up in two weeks."

"Dad," Alyssia tuts.

"Don't worry, I'll hold her hand on the plane, protect her from huge spiders and save her from drowning at the beach if I need to."

Alyssia looks nervous, "I forgot about the spiders. You know I'm terrified of them, right?"

"We're all well aware of that fact, Lissy," Brian rolls his eyes.

A couple of weeks ago, Alyssia was getting up to go to the toilet during the night and a spider crawled across her foot when she got out of bed.

She screamed so loud she woke up the entire house and nearly gave Toby a heart attack since he was asleep in the bed next to her. Brian and Jimmy both rushed into her room, Jimmy armed with the first thing he could grab, a lamp.

Saying a final goodbye the young couple make their way through the airport and just under two hours later they are on the plane and flying to Australia.

It's a very long flight, 22 hours in total including a two-hour change in Singapore. By the time they reach Sydney airport, they've had enough of travelling, but they have to get a taxi to Toby's mum's house, "Does your mum know we're coming?"

"Yes, but because we weren't sure what time our flight would get in I said we'd get a taxi," It's late in the evening, just after 8 o'clock and they're starving.

"I never asked," She's a little embarrassed it's taken her this long to ask him, "Did your sister ever get her eye surgery?"

"Yes, two years ago. She has most of her vision back, she just has to wear glasses or contact lenses when reading or working," His relationship with his mum and sister is far better now than the one they shared when his mum originally moved to Australia, she apologised for blaming him.

The taxi pulls up outside the house and Alyssia suddenly feels very nervous, "What if they don't like me?"

"Then they're crazy and I'll happily go without talking to them again, but I promise they will love you. Mum has been dying to meet you," He gets out of the car and runs round to the other side to open Alyssia's door, "Milady..." He offers her his hand.

She giggles taking his hand putting on her best upper-class accent, "Thank you, kind sir, would you be a Gent and get the bags?"

Toby snorts letting go of her hand to pull his suitcase out of the boot and then hers with a groan, "Christ, what have you got in there?"

"Well, it is Australia's winter at the moment, that's what you told me, I've got to be prepared. Of course, Australia's winter is a lot warmer than England's so I didn't bring much in winter clothing. Most of the weight is shoes," She helps him out and takes her case.

Before they can reach the door to the house, the front door swings open and a pretty dark-haired girl runs out, "Toby!" She crushes into him.

"Hiya sis," He hugs her back, "You miss me?"

"Of course."

"Now, don't be rude," An older but still pretty dark-haired woman comes out, clearly Toby's mum, "Toby, you going to do the introductions?" She gestures to Alyssia, who is stood back shyly.

Toby lets go of his sister to take Alyssia's hand, kissing her forehead, "They'll love you," He whispers.

Pulling her over, he slips an arm around her waist, "Mum, Jen, this is my girlfriend, Alyssia. Lissy, this is my mum, Sarah and my sister, Jenna."

"Lovely to meet you both."

"Oh, believe me, my dear, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Sarah smiles bring her into a gentle hug, "Toby talks about you every time he visits, it's lovely to put a name to a face."

"Yeah, he never shuts up about you on the phone either," Jenna mocks, linking her arm with Alyssia's, "Come on, you have to tell me all about figure skating..."

"No, Jenna," Toby cuts her off, "We been travelling for the past 23 hours, we need food and sleep."

"Oh," Jenna pouts, being 13 she's still got a bit of that childlike excitement that will probably disappear in the next year or two.

"Toby's right, help yourselves to food then get some sleep," Sarah leads them inside, "Jenna, you can get to know Alyssia tomorrow."

"Well, Toby tells me you love shopping, so perhaps you can take me to some of your favourite places?" Used to treating Tigerlily and Lola like younger sisters, Alyssia knows just how to deal with Jenna.

Jenna squeals hugging her, "Finally an older sister I can shop with," She pulls back, face lit up like a child on Christmas, "I'm gonna go plan," She races upstairs, slamming her door shut.

"You're gonna regret that," Toby chuckles, leaving their bags by the stairs and goes to the kitchen to make them both a sandwich. They go straight to bed once they've eaten and both of them are out like a light.

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