Christmas Time

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Slightly bitty filler chapter

December 2009

It is their first Christmas in their new home and they spent yesterday, the first day of December, writing invitations and Christmas cards.

Alyssia and Toby viewed a wedding venue at the beginning of October and after booking it for the 5th of June, they sent off for their wedding invites which arrived four days ago. To kill two birds with one stone they're sending the invites with the Christmas Cards.

The wedding is going to be close friends and family, no extended family they haven't seen in years, but there are still a fair few to write. Two of them need to leave today so the RSVP can be sent back before the deadline date, one is for Sarah and Jenna in Australia while the other is going to Jim in Ireland.

After stopping at the post office to send those that need to go in the post, they drive around London hand-delivering as many invitations as they can. There is only one they didn't have time for, John and Veronica's.

So the next day, Toby picks Alyssia up once he's finished work and they head over to the Deacon's, "You sure they won't mind me coming?" Toby doesn't want to make John uncomfortable.

It's going to take a lot of effort to get John to be at her wedding, but Alyssia really wants him to be there. This is also a chance for Veronica and John to meet Toby properly. They meet him in passing when they visited the house, Toby was just coming in the door from work as they were leaving

"Of course, they won't. They know we're coming but they think it's for a catch-up," Getting out of the car, they knock on the door and wait.

The door swings open and they're greeted by Veronica, she instantly pulls Alyssia into a hug, "Lissy, it is so good to see you. Come in both of you," She steps aside to let them in.

Veronica offers Toby a hug once they're in the living room, "Lovely to meet you again, Toby."

"A pleasure to meet you too Mrs Deacon."

"Oh call me Veronica please, Lissy does. Give me a sec, John is in the garden, I'll go get him," She comes back after a moment with the bassist following her.

Though looking older and a lot greyer, to Alyssia he's still the same old uncle Deaky with that familiar smile firm on his face, "Hi Uncle Deaks," She savours his hug.

"Lovely to see you again, Lissy and nice to finally meet you properly, Toby," John lets go of the hug to shake Toby's hand.

John then notes Toby's police uniform, "I remember the last time I spoke to Alyssia you had just started the second year of your police apprenticeship," He offers Toby a seat, "Have you qualified now?"

"Yes, I qualified in July, I now work for the Metropolitan Police," He loves it too.

"Do you enjoy the work?" John and Toby go off into their own conversation about Toby's work for a while.

Alyssia and Veronica have a general catch up, Veronica wanted to know how the rest of the Queen family is, she misses them.

"I do have something for you and Uncle Deaky," Alyssia hands her aunt the card and wedding invite.

"You're getting married," Veronica looks as if she's going to cry, this catches John's attention.

"What is it?" He asks breaking his conversation.

"A wedding invitation," Alyssia explains, "Toby and I are getting married on Saturday the 5th of June 2010. You and Veronica are invited to the ceremony and lunch, but everyone is invited to the evening reception." It would be nice to see the Deacon children again, she rarely sees any of them except Luke and Cameron who still live at home since they're only 17 and 16.

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