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Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Hope you all have a good one.

March 2002

The first two weeks in rehab went by quicker than Alyssia expected with Melrose's therapy session every other day, she already feels a lot lighter.

"So we've talked about Tina and we've talked about the eating problems, now tell me about Eva. You believe what she says?"

"I guess I did, yeah. She um... she always seemed to know what I was already thinking and said it out loud. Worrying about my weight because of the skating diet and then worrying that I couldn't handle the mental pressure."

"When you fell on the ice, do you think you overreacted?"

"A little, yeah. I was really mad at myself for that because I was so close to my dream, but if it hadn't been for what Eva said the day before I think I could have just let it go."

"Well firstly, falls happen in skating. I've seen it happen at the Olympics by gold medallists, they happen but you need to use that fall the make you stronger. Look back at it and think, it happened but now I make sure it doesn't happen again. As for Eva, removing her from your life has been sorted so no need to worry about that, but I'm going to help you listen to your own thoughts and understand them. That we will start next week, but this weekend I have an assignment for you," Melrose gets up and opens the door waving someone in.

Brian walks into the room and sits beside his daughter, "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I was coming to," Melrose continues, "Do you remember what you told me when we talked about your thoughts after coming home? I want you to tell your dad what you told me?"

Alyssia bites her lip looking up at her dad, "I don't like that I never got to spend time with you as a toddler the way Louisa and Emily did. You showed me photos once of them with you and it made me jealous because we don't have that."

"I hate it too," He hugs her kissing her hair. He does hate not having photos of her through her toddler years, though they have some that Tina took, it's not the same because they don't have the memories to go with them.

"That is your assignment," Melrose cuts back in, "I've already spoken to your dad about it, I want the pair of you to spend the weekend creating some quality father-daughter memories. Brian, you are to take Alyssia all the places you would have taken her when she was little. Perhaps having these memories will make up some of the ones you missed."

An entire weekend with his daughter, he can't think of a better way to spend his time and if it helps her get better, it's a bonus.


For their father-daughter weekend, Brian planned one day while Alyssia planned the other. Saturday is all Brian's choice so they head to the Natural History Museum, its a place he's one hundred percent certain he would have taken her.

She shares his love for learning and it was the best way for them to spend some time together. They spend most of the morning there and afterwards, instead of going to a cafe for some lunch, they grab a sandwich and head to Hyde Park wanting to make the most of the sunny March afternoon.

They find a quiet area and sit on the bench, "How are you finding the therapy sessions? Are they helping?" He can see that she is, she looks happier and more positive but he needs to hear her say it.

"Yeah, they are. We've basically started from the beginning going from when I came home up until I... tried to kill myself," Saying it out loud now is shocking even to her, realising just how close she was to ending her life and putting her parents through the endless pain of losing their child irreversibly. "I'm sorry I put you through that."

"It was honestly the scariest moment of my life, I'm glad Toby was quick enough to stop you," If the young lad hadn't been there, he's sure the others wouldn't have caught her in time.

"So am I," She admits, her will to live on is returning in leaps and bounds.

"I'm glad to hear you say that," He's glad she doesn't feel so low anymore.

"Um... do Vicky and Zoe know what happened?" She hasn't spoken to anyone besides her mum, dad and Melrose since going to rehab.

"Yes, they know. Vicky asked me to pass on her apology, for going off the way she did."

"It's me that should be apologizing, I wasn't exactly the best friend to be around. I need to apologise to Toby too."

"He knows you were upset. Focus on you first and then you can make amends with your friends."

"How would you feel if Toby become more than a friend?"

Sighing, Brian would love to hate the lad, but he owes Toby his daughter's life and he's already proved he cares about Alyssia, "I wouldn't be entirely against him, I will always be thankful to him. Just take it slow yeah, the idea of my baby daughter dating someone is not my favourite thing in the world."

Finishing the last of her sandwich, she checks the time, "Where are we going next?"

"The planetarium," He stuffs the last of his sandwich in his mouth, getting up to bin their rubbish, "Come on," He starts walking away but holds out his hand for her to catch up and take.

She childishly runs to catch up with him taking his hand, "Did you know there's the option of me to take astronomy when I choose my options in year 9?"

"Ooo, you going to do it? You'll have the benefit of an astrophysics parent to help you with any homework."

"Mum's an astrophysicist?" She grins, teasing.

"Haha very funny. But don't try and talk to your mother about it, she already gets confused enough when I try and explain things," He chuckles.

He often tries to tell her about things he's passionate about but when it comes to astrophysics, the moment he tries to explain it to Anita, her eyes glaze over, completely lost as to what he's talking about.

Perhaps having a daughter who understands what he's talking about will be his wife's saving grace, "Oh, we have a release date for We Will Rock You."

"Really?! When?" We Will Rock You is the new Queen musical that has been in the works for the past two years. Alyssia shares her mum's love for musical theatre, so she's been looking forward to it.

"Opening night is the 14th of May. You want to come?" She looks at him and he knows that's a stupid question, "I'll take that as a yes."

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