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Short filler chapter

February 2015

Following Alyssia's stay in rehab, she put the house up for sale and started looking for a place for her the girls and Meddow.

They had one last Christmas in that house, but it was a very sad one for her and the girls with no Toby around which is a shame because it was also Olivia's first Christmas.

In the new year, Alyssia found a four-bed house not far from the current house. It was just the right size, a room each plus a playroom/spare room and a big garden for the girls to run around in when the weather is good.

With the mortgage paid off on the house, it meant that Alyssia could buy the new house outright with still some leftover to cover bills for the next two months.

Moving had been a challenge, Alyssia didn't realise how much rubbish they collected over the three years in that house. She got round to the task of sorting Toby's things, it's a task she put off because she just couldn't do it, but with Jimmy's help, she sorted through it making a keep box, a donation box and bin items.

One thing she found in the wardrobe was the guitar she gave to Toby as a thank you for saving her life, she asks Brian to keep hold of it for now and she'll give it to Ivy or Olivia when they're a bit older, depending on if either of them is into music.

The day before moving, Alyssia takes Ivy and Olivia to see the new house, "What do you think?" She asks Ivy while lifting Olivia out of the pushchair.

"Where's my room?" That is her main concern, Alyssia helps her upstairs and shows her the three bedrooms to choose from leaving the master bedroom out.

Ivy chooses the room that has a window seat and because it has a pretty light fixture, Alyssia decides not to tell her eldest that it does not come with the house and sets Brian the task of finding the same one or something similar, anything to get Ivy on board with the new house.

Happy that Ivy is happy, Alyssia goes ahead with moving them the next day. It takes all weekend with the help of Brian, Anita and Roger to move in a get unpacked. Ivy and Olivia had a sleepover at Zoe and Paige's with Dylan so they're out of the way.

Zoe brings them both home once the house is finished, "It's a lovely house. Are you happier now your here?"

"I think so. Being in that house before made the memories painful, but now we still have memories of Toby through photos, objects and personal memories, but the pain isn't there and I'm happy to remember them," Losing Toby will forever be painful for Alyssia, but being in this new house means they can find a new way forward.


After almost a month in the new house, Alyssia believes her earlier belief that moving house was the best way forward. She can keep on top of the housework better, she is happier and so are the girls.

That evening Alyssia was just feeding Olivia her bottle before bed when there is a knock at the door, "It's Uncle Ben!" Ivy bounces on the sofa in the living room, looking out of the window then jumps down and races to the door.

Thanks to the little extra height she gained from turning 3 she's just able to reach the handle on her tiptoes and flings the door open, "Uncle Ben!"

"Ivy!" He lifts her with the sound of an aeroplane, settling her on his hip, "Where's mummy?"

"Here," She gives him a quick smile but turns her look to a stern one aiming it at Ivy, "Ivy, what have I told you about opening the front door?"

"Not to," Ivy mumbles hiding her face in Ben's shoulder, "But it was only Uncle Ben."

"Yes, but you should still let mummy do it unless she tells you, even if it is me. Opening the door to the wrong person could be very dangerous," Ben has taken it upon himself to make sure Ivy and Olivia have that fatherly/male presence in their life that isn't there now Toby is gone. He and Brian are probably the only continuous fatherly figures in Ivy and Olivia's lives so hopefully, it will be of help should Alyssia meet anyone in the future.

"Sorry mummy."

"It's okay," It's not often she has to tell Ivy off, "Now go brush your teeth please, it's bedtime."

"Can Uncle Ben read me a bedtime story?"

"Of course I can," He puts her down, "Go do your teeth and I'll be there in a moment."

Alyssia waits till Ivy is upstairs and can hear her brushing her teeth, "What brings you here?" She doesn't mind of course.

"I figured you could use some adult company," He holds up a bag that has a bottle of wine and Chinese takeaway inside, "And I have a new role to tell you about."

Despite the kiss they shared many years ago, they quickly agreed that their relationship is strictly that of a brother and sister and realised that they don't see each other in a romantic light.

"You're an angel," She finished burping Olivia and turns to the stairs, "I'll just put Olivia to bed then..."

"Nope," He cuts her off taking Olivia and handing Alyssia the bag, "Super mum needs to put her feet up. Pour us both a glass and help yourself to food, I'll put them to bed."

She would argue but she doesn't want to, she sits on the sofa once she's sorted the food and wine and relaxes, "Thank you," She smiles when Ben joins her, "You don't have to look after us you know, I have to get used to him not being around."

"But I do. When Toby was in hospital after he woke up, I visited him a few times and on one of the visits he asked me to promise that I keep an eye on you and the girls should anything happen to him again," He would have looked after them anywhere, Toby was his brother and he cares for Alyssia as a sister and the girls as though they are his biological nieces, "I'm not going to break that promise."

"Okay," Alyssia decides against arguing, a male figure is something the girls will need in their life growing up, "Tell me about this role."

"It's for the new X-Men film..." Having Ben's company is exactly what she needed, an adult night in. Being a single mum now, she knows that those aren't going to happen very often so she'll learn to cherish moments like this.

Time jump ahead also next week's updates should be Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

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