The Hardest Goodbye and the Best Hello

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Joe gained his British citizenship two months after marrying Alyssia, but it wasn't a day to celebrate as the same day he got a phone call from his mum saying he needed to get to New York soon because his dad is deteriorating.

It took ten days for his visa to come through after sending it off, leaving Ivy and Olivia with Brian and Anita for a few days Joe and Alyssia arrive in Rhinebeck, New York late on the 11th of May.

"How is he?" Joe asks his mum when she greets them at the door.

"He's fading," Virginia mutters, pulling back from hugging her son, she leads them inside, "I'm glad you got here when you did because I don't think he's going to last much longer."

Joe looks between Alyssia and the doorway to his dad's room torn, he doesn't want to seem heartless and leave his wife to take all the bags upstairs when Alyssia is 24 weeks pregnant, but he is also desperate to see his dad.

"Go to your dad," He's been so worried that he would get to say goodbye to his dad because his visa was taking so long to come through, Alyssia is not going to be the person to stop him now, "It won't kill me to take our bags upstairs."

"I'll give her a hand," John comes down the stairs during the conversation and is happy to help, "Go on," He pats his brother's shoulder, "Dad has been asking for you."

"Thanks," Joe nods and goes to see his dad.


"How's he doing?" Alyssia asks Joe once he comes up to join her in bed after spending a couple of hours with his dad.

"He's mostly out of it," Joe sniffs, wiping the tears from his eyes as he changes into his pyjamas, "But he seemed to know I was there. Mum's right though, it would be much longer."

The idea of losing her own parents one day is too painful to even think about, she can't find the words to help him because Alyssia knows all too well that saying I'm sorry doesn't make it better. Instead, she climbs out of bed and pulls him into the hug she knows he needs.

He wraps his arms around her, burying his face in her neck and hair, breathing in her calming scent. Then pulls them both to bed and holds her close, hand on her baby bump, "I forgot to ask, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay, I have more energy than I thought I might, but baby's kicks are getting stronger," Joe tries to feel for them but they're still not strong enough to be felt by anyone other than Alyssia.

The following day Alyssia sits with Mr Mazzello alongside her husband to say goodbye, then eventually Mary, John and Virginia come and sit with them as Mr Mazzello starts to slip away. It was in the early hours of the 13th of May that Mr Mazzello officially passed away.

It tore a part of Joe's heart and he cries in a way Alyssia hasn't seen before, but she holds him while he does.

They stayed in New York for the funeral and then travelled home a few days after once Joe got over that initial grieving period.


Over the next few months, Joe's pain for the loss of his dad lessened and is slowly replaced by the excitement as they get closer to the arrival of the new baby.

It is the middle of the summer holidays and Ivy and Olivia are enjoying their freedom from school but being 38 weeks pregnant, Alyssia is struggling to handle the heatwave Britain is currently experiencing.

Wanting to boost Alyssia's mood somewhat, Joe is taking Alyssia out for dinner leaving the girls in Virginia's care as she has come to the UK to be here when her newest grandchild arrives.

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