Surprise Development

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In this chapter, I talk about citizenship stuff. Please know that none of it is accurate, it's usually a very long process from what the internet tells me, but for this book, I've shortened that process.

It's the beginning of February and they have ten days until the wedding. Alyssia is standing in her bathroom staring at something on the bathroom counter.

Why you might ask?

Well, it started at the beginning of the week, Alyssia was once again feeling unwell though this time it was not due to her period. That is the problem, she realised that January's cycle hadn't arrived yet but with it only three days late she waited.

She's had late periods before but yesterday morning when she woke, she immediately threw up in the bathroom toilet and the same thing happened that morning.

Now she is staring at the timer on her phone, waiting to know what her future holds. When the timer goes off, she turns over the pregnancy test beside it and it reads positive, "Oh god," She whispers.

"Lissy?" Joe knocks on the bathroom door making her jump, "You ready to go?" His family have come to the UK early to be here for the wedding and tonight they are having a meal with Alyssia's family for them to get to know each other.

Initially, they both wanted the wedding to be in New York so Mr Mazzello didn't have to travel, but with Joe wanting to gain British citizenship, he has to spend a continuous 6 months in the UK, for which he is 4 months in.

It means that Mr Mazzello has travelled from New York to be here, despite Joe's concerns for his health, but Mr Mazzello's words to his son's concerns were, "Nothing will stop me being at my son's wedding even if it kills me in the process." Mr Mazzello won't be at the meal tonight, but he'll be at the wedding.

"Lissy?" Joe knocks again when he gets no answer, "Are you alright?"

"Um..." Alyssia is at a loss for words, another baby. She unlocks the door for Joe and pulls him over to the test.

Joe's mouth goes dry, "Jesus Christ. That's not a joke, is it?"

"No," She shakes her head, his reaction is not what she had anticipated and it draws a few tears from her eyes, "It's too soon, isn't it."

Her tears bring Joe back to his senses and he cups her face, wiping her tears with his thumb, "It's sooner than we both expected, but I'm not upset about it. Shocked yes, but not upset. Once it sinks in, I promise you I will be jumping for joy, but you know how slow my brain is," He jokes making her laugh.

"True, it does take you a while sometimes. Are you sure you're not upset?" She doesn't want to be upset about this, their baby is growing inside of her and could have been for a while already. The thought gives her butterflies.

He kisses her with an overwhelming amount of love, "I'm as far from upset as I can be," He grins the shock wearing off. He kisses her again, "I love you," He drops to his knees, lifting her shirt to kiss her stomach, "And I love you too."

Smiling now, she washes her face, they head down to the car and they drive to her parent's Surrey home. Ben is happily babysitting the girls with Frankie's help.

"Let's not tell them now," Joe speaks for the first time in the entire journey as they get closer to the house, "About the baby I mean," He clarifies for Alyssia's confusion.

"I wasn't going to anyway. I want to go to the doctor's first, make sure everything is okay and get an idea of the due date."

"Well, I was thinking we could tell everyone together at the wedding reception. It means we don't have to message everyone we know and it would be a nice surprise."

"I agree, it's a lovely idea," It would certainly be a surprise for their friends and family, "I might go to the bathroom before we sit down for dinner and give my doctor a call, see if she has any appointments available for tomorrow or Monday." She has to make sure her baby is okay first.


They had to wait till Monday for their appointment, it was the longest weekend of their lives, but after dropping Ivy and Olivia off at school, Joe drives them to the doctor's office.

"Lovely to see you again, Lissy," Megan, her previous midwife, greets them.

"You too. This is my fiancée, Joe."

"Nice to meet you," She offers him a warm smile, "Let's get you on the bed and we'll get straight into the ultrasound."

Alyssia hops up onto the bed and lifts her top. Joe sits on the stool beside her, his hand linked with hers.

There's silence for the first few moments while Megan checks everything is in order, "So firstly, I can confirm you are pregnant, baby looks to be a little over 10 weeks putting your due date at the 31st of August."

"Really?" Alyssia can't believe she missed it for that long, "I'm that far along?"

"Yes, take a look," She turns the screen for them to see their baby and presses the button allowing them to hear the heartbeat, "Baby is growing nicely and as I would expect at this point in your pregnancy."

"Wow," Joe gasps, eyes fixed on the screen welling up as he does, "That's our baby," He kisses the back of Alyssia's hand, beaming.

After leaving the doctor's office, they sit in the car for a moment to let it sink in. Joe stares at the ultrasound photo and then looks to the woman that will be his wife in just 5 days, his heart full of joy, "I want you to know I will still love Ivy and Olivia just as much as this baby. I think we should tell them about the baby before the wedding."

She does not doubt that Joe will love her girls as much as this baby, over the last few months he and the girls have formed a better connection, "I agree. Springing this on to them at the wedding wouldn't be right, and I want to make sure they are okay with it."

"I just hope my dad will get to meet the baby before he goes," Deep down though, Joe knows his father won't last till August as the Doctor suggested.

Only three chapters left in this book. I realise it probably seems like I'm rushing the end of this book but sadly I've lost the passion I once had for this book. I hate that that is the case but I don't want to leave this book unfinished either.

With that in mind, I'm looking to finish this book this week as I'm on holiday the week after so updates will be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 

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