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This chapter contains scenes some might find upsetting or triggering.


Brian was getting ready for bed when the house phone rang, frowning he glances at the clock on his bedside table, 11:45pm.

The ringing wakes Anita, who has already been in bed an hour or so when Brian finally decided to join her, "Is that the phone?" She mutters still half asleep.

"Yeah, I'll get it," Despite deciding to go himself, Anita still follows him to the phone, there are not many people that could be ringing at this time of night, "Hello?" Brian answers the phone.

"Mr May? It's DCI Brookes here, I apologize I realise it must be quite late there but I have some news you're going to want to hear, is Miss Dobson there?"

"Yes, she's right next to me," He beckons her over and pulls the phone away from his ear, "She can hear you, what's the news?" The last they heard, Brookes had arrived in Dutchess County nine months ago.

"I'm delighted to inform you that we've found Alyssia."

Anita gasps tears spilling over, "Are you sure? It's definitely her?"

"Yes, we're actually found her a couple of days ago but I was waiting on the DNA results before ringing you. The witness was right, Erin Jacobs is Alyssia May."

Brian pulls Anita into a hug as she cries, his own tears spilling from his eyes, "What happens now?"

"All I need you to do is get on a flight to Hyde Park, Dutchess County, New York. Once you arrive, Tina will be arrested then we'll sort all the paperwork."

"We'll be on the first available flight out," Anita cries, "Thank you so much."

"Your welcome, I'll see you both soon."

Putting the phone down they both collapse into tears of pure relief and happiness, holding each other. Their daughter is coming home.


Hyde Park, Dutchess County

31st October 1997

Erin is getting ready to go trick or treating with Mary, Joe and John. She does her makeup and ties her hair up to put the wig on, then puts her dress on.

Once she's done, she goes down to show her mum, "Ready!" She runs down the stairs.

Once she's done, she goes down to show her mum, "Ready!" She runs down the stairs

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"Wow," Tina laughs taking a photo, "You look amazing. Now be careful tonight, stay with Mary and Joe and don't forget this," She hands Erin a pumpkin bucket but it's white instead of orange to match her costume.

"Thanks, I'll see you later," Erin flies out the door excited for Halloween, she loves any excuse to dress up.

She meets the others in the driveway and walks beside Mary to start with, "Have you heard from Brookes?"

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