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*Warning* this is a sad chapter and contains scenes some might find upsetting.

August 2014

Toby's recovery took a little longer than anticipated, but it's now the 1st of August and his first day back at work since being shot.

"Morning," Toby walks into the kitchen with his uniform on, kissing Alyssia's cheek while she feeds Olivia her bottle then sits at the table next to Ivy.

"Morning," Alyssia smiles, glad to see him full of life and energy again, "Ready for your first day back?"

"Absolutely, I love my girls to bits, of course," He cuts up some toast for Ivy now she's finished her cereal then pours milk on his own bowl of cereal, "But I have missed work," He's missed seeing his workmates too, besides Matt of course.

Checking his watch, he quickly finishes his breakfast and kisses Ivy's cheek then Alyssia and Olivia's before leaving, "See you tonight."

"Mama finished."

Alyssia looks up from feeding Olivia, Ivy's plate is empty, "Good girl, do you want to go see Grandpa today?" Brian got back from the first leg of the Queen + Adam Lambert world tour two days ago and Ivy hasn't seen him in over a month.

"Yes," Ivy squeals.

"Okay, go play for a bit while I have my breakfast then we'll go," Alyssia settles Olivia in the Moses Basket then makes herself some coffee and toast.


"Dad!" Alyssia calls out through the house once she opens the front door. No reply, "Dad! You home? You have two little visitors."

She doesn't get a verbal response, but she does hear the light strumming of his guitar. She puts Ivy down, "Okay, he's in the studio, go find him."

Ivy happily runs ahead to find her grandpa, "Ganpa!" She bursts into the studio grinning.

"Hello poppet," He lifts her onto his lap, putting his guitar down, "I missed you."

She cuddles him, "I missed you too."

"Have you been looking after mummy and daddy?"

"Yep, Libby too," Ivy struggles with pronouncing her V's and has nicknamed her little sister Libby.

"Good girl, that's what I like to hear. Now can you guess who is coming for a visit at the end of the week?"

"Hmm..." She thinks really hard about it, "Don't know."

"Adam," Brian, Roger and Adam fly out to Japan on the 12th for three shows. To break up the long flight from America to Japan, he's stopping in the UK for a couple of days before travelling with the remaining Queen members via their personal plane.

Ivy gasps, "I love uncle Adam, I have to go draw him a picture," She slides off Brian's knee and runs out the room, there is a playroom set up down the hall for all of Brian's grandchildren when they visit.

"And how is my youngest granddaughter?" Brian takes Olivia for a cuddle.

"Inquisitive, I can't leave her alone for a moment when she's awake. I think she's worried she'll miss something," Alyssia is thankful that she still sleeps and has long nap times or she'd never put her daughter down.

Brian adjusts Olivia so she's against his chest and he can see her face, "That's okay, inquisitive is good. Being inquisitive is a sign of intelligence. How are you and Toby doing?"

"I'm okay now, my paranoia has gone and it's Toby's first day back at work so he's happy to be working again," Things feel like they're settling into the new normal.

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