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August 2003

It's the beginning of the summer holidays and Alyssia is busy packing her suitcase. She is going on holiday tomorrow afternoon with her mum, dad and Emily as well as Roger, Rufus, Tigerlily and Lola.

Alyssia was trying to zip up her suitcase when there's a tap at her bedroom window, she looks over and almost chokes seeing Toby at the window.

Opening it, she just stares at him, "What the hell are you doing?" She whispers so her parents don't come rushing in.

"Are you going to let me in or..?" Toby begs with his eyes hanging onto the windowsill for dear life.

She pulls him in and he lands on the floor with a loud thud, "Lissy! You alright up there?" Anita shouts up the stairs.

"Yeah sorry, I just dropped my suitcase," She runs over to her bedroom door closing it, then turns back to her boyfriend as he brushes himself off.

"What on earth are you doing here?" She keeps her voice low, "And how did you get up to that window?" The Surrey house has high ceilings so the first floor is very high off the ground.

"I climbed," He shrugs as if it were nothing, "I was trying to do the whole romantic movie scene thing but I miss judged how high up your window was."

"How did you know which one was my window?" He's never been to the Surrey house.

"Well, I found the easiest way up then went window to window. Started at your sisters though she didn't see me then yours happened to be next."

"Well, it's a good job you didn't get dad's room next because you'd be needing an ambulance or a coffin depending on how you'd land."

"Noted," Toby finds himself distracted looking around her room, "Oh, hello Freddie," He picks up the sleeping cat from her pillow, stroking his head, "Miss me?"

She smiles, watching him be so soft with her cat then snaps herself out of her daze, "Now answer my question or I'll push you out of the window myself. Why are you here?"

"I missed you didn't I," He grins putting Freddie back on the bed then slides his arms around her waist.

"That's sweet and your a sap but school broke up Friday and it's now Sunday you can last longer than that. Why are you really here?" She's been dating him for over a year now, she spends enough time with him to know when he's lying.

He sighs sitting on the bed and starts fussing Freddie again, "You know I'm going to Australia for two weeks?"

"Yeah," She sits in front of him, "You go Friday."

"Well, I found out today that the real reason I'm going is to meet my mum's new boyfriend."

"I'm sorry, I bet your dad didn't take that news well," Mr St. James doesn't treat Toby well, she's witnessed him shouting at his son numerous times.

"That's why I'm here, when I left the house he was drunk and smashing up the photos of him and mum together. I wasn't sticking around long enough for him to start blaming me," Anytime something goes wrong, Toby gets the blame.

Toby puts up a front 90 percent of the time but around Alyssia, he lets it down because he knows he can be himself around her, "I also wanted to see you before you go to..."

The bedroom door is kicked open by Emily interrupting his sentence, "Hey Toby, nice night for a climb up the side of the house?"

"You saw me at your window?" Toby frowns, he didn't even notice her lookup.

"Nope, but the security cameras did," She smirks looking at her sister, "You two better get downstairs before dad comes storming up here."

They follow her down to the kitchen where Anita is cooking dinner and Brian looks very annoyed, "Mr and Mrs May," Toby nods greeting them.

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