Going Slightly Mad

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Happy Halloween everyone 🎃👻!!!

6th February 1991

Anita is at the ice rink with Alyssia, they have public sessions for young children on a Sunday, but it's not very busy so she lets Alyssia skate on her own. Anita did offer to skate with her but Alyssia firmly told her she'd be fine on her own.

With Brian busy shooting a music video, Anita thought she'd make use of the passes Freddie's gifted to Alyssia.

She watches her daughter with a smile, impressed by how natural and comfortable she looks on the ice. She's surprised because ice skating doesn't run on either side of Alyssia's family or anyone they know.

Yet skating seems to be second nature, the other children around her are either, clinging to a parents hand, using the penguin aids or clinging to the side. Alyssia is doing none of that, she's skating slow but steady laps around the rink with ease. A small slip or wobble here and there.

"I think you have a future skater on your hands," A woman to Anita's right speaks, making her jump, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine, I was in my own world," Anita smiles, waving it off then looks between her daughter and the woman a few times and realises she's almost assessing Alyssia, "When my partner said she could skate, I'll admit, I thought he was joking or making it up to give Alyssia a boost but this is only her second time on the ice and it's like she's..."

"Born to skate," The woman nods taking a seat next to Anita, "I'm Katie Haywood, I'm a professional figure skating coach here."

Anita shakes Katie's hand, "Anita Dobson. Do you think my daughter has potential?"

"If you say this is only her second time on ice then yeah, she can do laps around the rink with only the occasional wobble. How old is she?"

"A year and five months."

Katie's eyes grow to the size of saucers, "Then the week before she turns three, you bring her back here and get her booked in for Grade one lessons because she is going to fly through the first two grades. I have three-year-olds still learning to do what she already knows."

Checking her watch Anita realises the time, "Lissy, it's time to go," She calls her over.

The coach watches Alyssia finish her lap and comes back over to the rink exit, "Your daughter has all the makings of a professional figure skater, it's up to her whether she pursues it." Katie gets up and walks away.

Anita goes down to help Alyssia take her skates off before leaving for Limehouse studios where Queen is filming.


The I'm Going Slightly Mad music video has to be one of the weirdest the Queen boys have ever done.

They were in the middle of filming when Anita and Alyssia got there, so they wait till the director wraps up for the day then joins them.

Anita can't help laughing at Brian's penguin costume but Alyssia isn't so keen and backs off when Anita tries to pull her over, "It's okay, love, it's just Daddy."

She doesn't believe her so Brian takes the beck off, "See, it's just me, Lissy." She then lets him pick her up, "How was ice skating?"

"Fun! Ooh," She spots the real penguins that are featured in the video, "Down peas," She wriggles until he puts her down again and she runs in their direction.

"I spoke to one of the coaches there," Anita brings Brian attention back to the question he just asked Alyssia.

"Yeah. What did they say?"

"She saw Alyssia skating around the rink and thinks she has really big potential to be a professional figure skater. She said the week before she turns three to take Alyssia back and get her in for Grade one lessons if she wants to of course."

"Told you, she's going to be an Ice Princess. " Freddie muses walking past them then changes the subject, "Are you three joining us?"

"What for?" Anita frowns, looking back at her partner.

"Freddie has booked a table at the restaurant across the road. I said if you don't mind, we'll join them..."

"Of course I don't mind, love," She interrupts him smiling. It's not very often Freddie is willing to go somewhere public for a meal now so they can't turn down the chance, "Yes Freddie, we are joining you."

Brian kisses her cheek, "I'll just go and get changed."

Freddie booked a private table for them and it ended up being a lovely meal. It's late by the time they're getting ready to leave. John hadn't had a drink and Freddie's home is not too far for them but Roger, Brian are over the other side of London so they book into a hotel nearby. Save them drink driving.

They leave Roger at his room a few doors down. Brian carries a half-asleep Alyssia on his hip, his other hand holding Anita's. He feels happier than he has for a while, Anita stops as he opens the door to their room.

"Go on, I'll be there in a minute," He smirks, pointing to the bedroom, "I'll just get Alyssia settled."

They hadn't expected to be staying the night so they haven't got any of Alyssia's night things. He results in changing her out of her outfit and putting his spare t-shirt on her. It drowns her but it works for a nightdress.

Rocking her, he talks to her as she doses off but when he comes to put her in her cot, her hand is attached to the penguin necklace he's wearing.

He tries to loosen her grip on it but has no luck so he unclips it from around his neck and lets her keep hold of it for the night. He tucks a blanket around her, kisses her little hand then retreats to his bed.


Brian didn't feel like he'd been asleep long when they are woken by a smash followed by Alyssia crying.

He's never jumped out of bed so quickly, Anita hot on his heels. Opening the door separating their room from Alyssia's, a dark figure, female from what Brian can tell, is fleeing out the balcony window, their daughter in her arms.

"No!" Brian hurries onto the balcony but doesn't reach them in time. When he looks over, they are nowhere to be seen.

The balcony is not that high off the ground so the woman survives the jump with Alyssia secure in her hold.

The woman injects a sleeping sedative into Alyssia's arm and she passes out, she hides until Brian goes back into the room, then flees the hotel grounds.

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