Confidence Boost

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Last post of the year guys!!!

Thank you to all my readers for supporting my books this year. At the beginning of the year, I was in a very dark place and the idea that I'd make it to 2022 seemed impossible. Thankfully I got the help I needed and I'm in a must better place now.

But I also believe that I wouldn't be here without my writing and you guys supporting my books. You guys gave me a reason to still be here because I wanted to keep updating, every vote and every comment makes me smile and keeps me updating.

Thank you so much and happy new year xx

"I have something to tell you girls," Zoe blurts out on the way to school.

Alyssia and Victoria share a questioning look, the redhead had been very quiet up until this point, "We're listening," They encourage.

"You have to promise to keep this to yourselves until I'm sure."

"Of course," Victoria promises for both of them.

"I think..." She second-guesses herself, she trusts her friends but saying it out loud will make it real.

"Hey," Alyssia wraps her arm around her, "You have our word, this stays between us. As long as it's not dangerous of course."

The school gates are just up ahead so Zoe pulls them to a stop, if she doesn't tell them now, she never will, "I think I'm a lesbian."

It's a shock to both Zoe's friends but they try not to let it show, "Nothing wrong with that," Alyssia shrugs, it isn't a big deal to her. She knows that her Uncle Freddie was gay and hiding it made him unhappy so she doesn't want Zoe to feel the same.

"What makes you think you are?" Victoria asks, nudging them both to start walking again or they'll be late.

"Since the beginning of the year, I've found that whenever you two talk about guys and dating, that sort of thing, I don't find guys attractive in that sense but I do with girls. I'm not entirely certain yet so as I said, keep it to yourself," With all the emotions running around her brain, Zoe needed to tell someone.

"As Lissy said," Victoria hugs her, "You have our word, this stays between us."

"Thank you. Moving on," She flips the attention away from her, "Lissy, why do you have a guitar case on your back?"

"It's for Toby," She blushes, "Saturday was his birthday and I didn't get him anything because I didn't know."

"So you got him a guitar," Victoria raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, his parents never bother celebrating his birthday," She can't understand how any parent would ignore their child like that, "besides it's also a thank you for saving my life gift. I've been wanting to give it to him for a while I just didn't know how."


Alyssia walked with Toby to the music room after Chemistry to start practising for the talent show, "How was the rest of your birthday?"

"I received a card in the post from my mum and sister with £20 in it and my dad gave me a card with a tenner in. It's better than the last few birthdays," He would have liked to see his mum and sister in person though.

"Well, I have a present for you..."

He interrupts her, "I told you not to."

"And I didn't listen, it's in here," She asked her music teacher to keep hold of it until lunchtime so she didn't have to carry it around.

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