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The yacht that Alyssia's family has been staying on for their two week holiday belongs to Roger. It's currently sitting in port at a town in Croatia.

Walking along the path that takes them into the town, it's quite the incline and lagging at the back to take her time enjoying the scenery, Alyssia noticed that Lola's little three-year-old legs are starting to give up.

She catches up to her youngest cousin, "Hey, want a piggyback?"

"Yes," The tiny blonde girl climbs onto Alyssia back. Lola hides her face in Alyssia's curly hair.

"You okay sprout?" Roger slows down to walk with the pair moving Alyssia's hair to see his daughter's face.

"Tired legs," Lola mumbles.

"You could have stayed on the boat," He wasn't going to take Lola originally but she begged him to let her come and how could he say no to such a cute face?

"Don't be so mean uncle Rog," Alyssia intervenes, "This is a family holiday and Lola can't help having little legs." Roger just rolls his eyes smiling, he should have known Alyssia would defend his youngest, those two are as thick as thieves.

Alyssia carries her around the entire town putting her down at lunchtime then she takes Lola and Tigerlily to a stall selling dresses while the others look elsewhere. She brought the three of them a dress each for dinner that night in matching fabric.

It's the last night of their holiday and Brian has booked a restaurant for them to eat at instead of eating on the yacht

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It's the last night of their holiday and Brian has booked a restaurant for them to eat at instead of eating on the yacht.

Back at the yacht, Alyssia helps Tigerlily and Lola into their dresses.

Emily and Rufus caught on to the trios matching outfits and Emily brought herself a matching dress and Rufus a matching shirt, it made for a very sweet photo once they were dressed.

While the five were having a photo, Alyssia heard her phone ping. Removing herself from the group she checks it to see a long message from Toby and her smile fades.

She's quiet throughout all of dinner, then later that night when she can't sleep she sits on the bow of the yacht staring up at the stars. She assumed that everyone else was asleep.

Roger spots her when he comes up to check the yacht is anchored before going to bed, "Lissy? What are you doing up?" He mutters to save startling her and sits next to her.

"Can't sleep," She wants to and she's tired enough but her brain is running overtime.

"Talk to me," He bumps her shoulder, "Does it have to do with your text message earlier?" Up until earlier, Alyssia was in a very good mood the entire holiday.

She yawns, laying her head on his shoulder, "Toby's moving to Australia."

"What? How come?"

"His mum found out how his dad has been treating him. He'll come back with his original flight to wait for his visa and pack up his stuff but then he's leaving before school starts," Just when life was good, it comes back to bite her.

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