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Small filler chapter

January 1990

The first months after Alyssia's birth flew by. Brian and Anita had a quiet morning for Alyssia's first Christmas then Jimmy, Louisa and Emily came over in the afternoon.

New year's eve passed and before they knew it, it's mid-January. With Brian back in the studio, they've created a nice routine. Anita looks after Alyssia most of the day then when he gets home, Brian spends some quality time with his daughter.

Anita usually finds Brian in the library sat in the large armchair by the window reading aloud with Alyssia lay on his chest and if they're not there, he's in the studio with her showing her the different instruments or playing her pieces from the solo album he's starting to put together.

But today, Brian is taking her to work with him since Anita left last night for some filming and won't be back till tomorrow.

Crying is usually what tells him Alyssia is awake in the morning, but today, Brian can hear her cooing to herself through the baby monitor.

Getting out of bed, he pads down the hall pushing the nursery door open. Alyssia is cooing and trying to bat at the toy mobile, John made, hanging above the cot, "Are you enjoying yourself, little miss?" He grabs her attention softly.

She turns her head towards his voice and he gets a smile along with some excited cooing, "Good morning to you too," He chuckles, lifting her from the cot kissing her cheek, "You hungry?"

Alyssia grabs some of his curls and puts them in her mouth, answering his question. "You'll get a hairball doing that," He takes the hair back out of her mouth, "Eat your own curls if you're that hungry."

Once he's given her a bottle and dressed her in the Queen baby grow Roger got her, he fights to clip her into the car and they head into London.

"Sorry I'm late," Brian rushes into the studio with Alyssia on his hip.

"We'll let you off since you brought this cutey," Freddie takes his youngest niece off him, "A very good choice in outfit my dear," He coos at her adjusting the baby grow, "Come on, let's get you a tambourine." He finds her the instrument then puts her in the playpen Roger set up for her.

Freddie is, without doubt, the favourite uncle, Alyssia took to him like a duck to water. Roger and John hardly get a look in but Roger is not missing the chance to be the second favourite.

Later in the day when Alyssia has got bored of the tambourine, Roger lifts her out of the baby prison and offers her a maraca, then sits on the chair in front of the soundboard with her on his lap.

Liking this new toy, Alyssia shakes it happily until she accidentally hits the drummer's chin, "Ow," Roger frowns but Alyssia just giggles.

"You little monster," He tickles her tummy, "This is for making music, not a weapon," He tries to take it off her but she shouts in protest, "Give," He orders holding his hand out.

She slowly lowers it into Roger's hand, he grabs it but she doesn't let go. He pulls and she shouts again in protest.

He ends up in a tug of war with her until Brian scolds them off, "Teaching my daughter to fight already, Rog? Honestly, who's the child here?"

"She started it," Roger protests but Alyssia recognised Brian's scolding tone and starts to cry.

Brian softens his tone and takes her from Roger moving to the room next door where a cot is set up to try and soothe her.

"Yeah really mature, Rog, blame a 3 and a half-month-old," John tuts teasingly.

"You gave her the maraca in the first place, dear, and you made her cry," Freddie smacks him over the head, "So it's your fault."

"I didn't think she'd turn it into a weapon," Roger rolls his eyes trying to defend himself but checks when Brian comes back in, "Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she calmed down and is down for a nap."

"I'll go sit with her," Roger offers and Brian raises an eyebrow, "I won't upset her but she can't be left on her own." Roger knows they were only messing but he didn't mean to upset Alyssia.

He takes his writing pad with him next door and sits on the sofa next to the cot. Alyssia is fast asleep and he smiles, whispering, "I don't care what your dad says, your going to be a little troublemaker when you get older. Just know I'm here to help with any pranks you have planned."


Anita is on her way home and Brian is rushing around the house, making sure the place looks tidy while Alyssia is nappy in her bouncy chair. Or she was until Brian slips on a piece of paper landing flat on his back with a loud thud, winding himself for a moment.

The thud was loud enough to wake Alyssia. Little Alyssia spots her dad on the flood and tilts her head, "Da?!"

"I'm okay, baby," Brian groans, laying still for a moment to regain his bearings, "Wait? What?!"

He sits up too quickly for his back's liking but ignores it, looking straight at Alyssia, "What did you say?"

"Da?" She frowns.

Grinning, he jumps up lifting Alyssia from the chair, "Oh you are such a clever girl. Say it again."

"Daaaa!" She squeals this time patting his cheek with her little hands grabbing some of his hair.

Chuckling he kisses her hand, "Just wait till mummy get home. She is going to be so jealous."

"Jealous of what?" Anita asks having heard the tail end of that sentence.

"Oh hello, love," Brian leans down to peck her lips when she gets closer.

She takes Alyssia for a cuddle, "Oh, I missed you, sweety. You're coming away with me next time," She grins kissing Alyssia's cheeks, "So what is daddy on about hmm... what have I to be jealous of?"

"She said, Dad."

Anita gasps, "Really?!"

"Well, it was Da put its close enough."

"Another smarty pants on my hands, have you inherited your father's brains hmm...? Can you say, mama?" She encourages Alyssia but Brian's his head in the background telling his daughter not to.

Alyssia stays quiet, Brian grins triumphantly, "Oh, I see how it is. Daddy's girl first huh...?" Anita knows they'll be inseparable as Alyssia get older. If she does have Brian's genius brain, he'll help her to learn everything she can.

The next two chapters are going to jump ahead.

You guys are probably wondering what is going on with this book? It doesn't seem to be going anywhere or as exciting as the last few but hold tight the excitement is coming, I'm just doing things a little differently for this book. I want and need to create some cute father-daughter content first.

Also, I apologize if it seems like Alyssia is acting older than she is but I'm not very good at writing infants in stories, despite how many I've written in stories before.

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