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Sorry for posting so late in the day, I ended up being out most of the day which hadn't been the plan but here it is.

Also, I will always refer to Joe's dad as Mr Mazzello as Joe's dad is also called Joseph and I don't want it to get confusing.

"Are you okay?" Joe asks while they wait to board their plane. Alyssia is sitting on the chair beside him, bouncing her leg.

"Sorry, I haven't been to this airport or any airport since Toby with shot," She admits stopping her leg, "I'm a little paranoid."

He hadn't even thought of that, "Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't think. We can always..."

"No, it's okay, I would have had to do this in another two days anyway. Just..." She is cut off by Joe linking his fingers with hers and kissing the back of her hand.

"I'm not going anywhere," Her life changed the last time she was at an airport, he can only hope that this time the changes are good ones.

She doesn't let go of his hand until they are on the plane even then she relinked her with his during take-off and landing.

Trusting Joe, she follows him to a taxi and he gives an address, they pull up outside an apartment block in Manhattan, "I thought your parents still lived in Rhinebeck?"

"They do it's an hour's drive from here but since it's late, I figured it would do to get some sleep. This is my home," He leads to the lift and the ride to the top floor.

"The penthouse," She raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, though it's not the big fancy apartment or house you might expect an actor to have it works for me."

"Hey, no judgement," Looking around the apartment when he opens the door, the place is just what she imagined Joe's home to be like, "For reasons I don't know, I've always imagined you living in an apartment rather than a house, I like it."

There are posters on the walls of the films he has been in as well as lots of family photos, the place is an open plan kitchen and living room then a small hallway to the right of the kitchen that leads to a bathroom and a bedroom. There's also a balcony to the left of the living room. They both dump their bags in his room and get ready for bed.


"My God, this brings back some memories," Alyssia gasps as Joe drives through the town heading for his parent's home, "Do your family know I'm coming?"

"Yes and they are excited to see you," He face-timed his family a few days ago to tell them they were coming.

Turning into the street, Alyssia gulps not looking at Joe's parents but the house before it. It doesn't look any different than when she lived there, "It must be strange to see it again."

"It's a little frighting, even though I know Tina is gone, I can't help expecting her to come out that door and drag me inside."

The thought of what Tina did makes Joe's blood boil, "No one is dragging you anywhere, not while I'm around," Joe pulls into the driveway and noticed Alyssia staring at her old home, "We can leave if you want to?"

"No. I've been looking forward to meeting your family again, and I made the rule long ago never to let Tina affect my life going forward because otherwise, it means she won." She follows Joe to the house where Virginia meets them on the front porch and wraps her son in a hug.

"Oh, it's good to see you, I swear you get taller every day," She pulls back from the hug and sees Alyssia waiting behind him, "Goodness, Alyssia, my brain was expecting to see the little girl I once knew. You've grown into a very beautiful woman," She pulls Alyssia into a hug.

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