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*Trigger Warning for Depression and Eating Disorder*

October 2000

"You told my parents..." Alyssia voice raises attracting the attention of everyone outside of the skating rink.

"I was trying to help," Victoria matches her tone.

"Help me?!" Alyssia storms back towards the rink, yelling as she goes, Victoria runs to catch up with her and stands in front of her.

She steps backwards as Alyssia tries to push past her, Victoria doesn't see coming, she takes one more step back, Alyssia grabs her and bang!

The world spins, pain through her body and shouts for an ambulance then everything goes back.


24 hours earlier

In the year after nationals, Alyssia has gotten a lot worse. Anita and Brian are at the end of their tether with her because they don't know what to do, despite being skin and bones she still believes she is fat. Victoria told them about Alyssia skipping lunch and Eva being the bully.

Alyssia now skips breakfast too and eats very little at dinner time. She's become extremely unsociable, Zoe and Victoria have tried to regain their friendship several times but she won't have it, she only lives the house for school and skating and skips all family events.

Roger came over with Rufus, Tiger and Lola the day before Alyssia's Junior Nationals competition to see her, but she wouldn't leave her room, "I don't know what to do, Rog," Brian mutters, pulling his best mate into the studio so they can talk without being heard, "Vicky said this girl, Eva, has messed with Alyssia's head and the school won't do anything about her bullying."

"That's ridiculous," For a reason he doesn't know, Alyssia didn't take in any of what he said at the BBQ back in April, "Why the bloody hell not?"

"Because Eva's dad is one of the school governors," Brian knew there had to be a reason why the school weren't doing anything and now it makes sense.

"Then remove Alyssia from the school," Roger suggests, she was already in a bad way in April so he can't imagine what she looks like now.

Brian had thought of that, "It had crossed my mind, I didn't do it originally because she had Zoe and Victoria but since the fight, Alyssia won't let them back in."

"Well, you have two options and I'd recommend doing both. Go to Eva's dad yourself and tell him what is going on and change her to a new school, if Zoe and Vicky's parents are smart then they'll do the same. Maybe then when Eva is out of the picture Alyssia will be open to accepting help she needs." If she keeps going the way she is, she's going to do some real damage to her body, if she hasn't already.

That's what worries Brian the most, that the damage will only get worse before Alyssia gets better. They had no idea that Alyssia was listening.


3 hours earlier

Alyssia is getting ready for her second skate of the day but has hardly spoken a word to anyone. Victoria has been getting the evil eye from her all day too, she just doesn't know why.

After changing into her skating dress, Alyssia steps out from the screen to show her mum. Anita has to restrain herself from telling the truth, "Beautiful as always."

That part is the truth but she also wants to say she's too skinny, there is no padding on her

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That part is the truth but she also wants to say she's too skinny, there is no padding on her. Before she wouldn't worry about Alyssia falling on the ice because she'd get back up, no problem but now she's worried she'll break a bone.

Katie has the same concerns, she's not as in the loop about what is going on but she's aware Alyssia is being bullied.

After Victoria comes off the ice, Alyssia goes to step on but Katie says something, "Before you go home later, I'd like a quick word. It's nothing to worry about but just come and see me before you leave, now go out there and skate with your heart."

Alyssia smiles, nodding but inside she's fuming. She uses that anger to fuel her emotion for the performance.

By the time she steps off the ice, her anger has dialled down. Since Alyssia was one of the last skaters of the day it only takes half an hour for the results to come.

It's while they finish getting changed that Katie comes in with the results, "Good news, girls. You're through to Senior Sectionals, Vicky third and Lissy you came second. Well done girls I'm proud of you, go celebrate."

She turns to leave, "Oh Lissy, we'll have that chat when I come back in a moment."

That re-sparks Alyssia anger, she waits till Katie leaves then turns to Victoria, "Can I have a word outside please?" It wasn't really a question, more of an order, so Victoria follows her.

Alyssia brushes past her family without even noticing them, Victoria hurrying after her, "What's going on?" Jodie tries to ask her daughter but only gets a shrug.

There aren't many people outside but enough that they can't talk alone so Alyssia pulls Victoria across the road away from them, "How could you?" Alyssia growls.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" She truly doesn't but clearly, Alyssia thinks she's done something. Victoria notes her mum and Alyssia's family stood across the street, standing back to let them talk but ready to jump in if needed.

"You told my parents about my eating and now my dad and uncle think I'm mental. I heard them talking about me yesterday," Alyssia raises her voice louder with every word, gaining the attention of everyone outside the rink, "Now Katie knows and she wants to get rid of me."

Brian hears those words and shares a painful look with Roger, they had no idea she was listening.

Now Victoria knows what she's on about, "I was just trying to help!" She matches Alyssia tone, "Your parents were worried and you weren't talking so I told them to help you, that's what a friend does."

"No, no we're not friends. A friend keeps another friends secrets."

"Not if that secret is killing them. I'm trying to help you!" She repeats.

"Help me?" Alyssia scoffs storming back towards the rink, yelling as she goes, "You're not helping me, you're trying to get rid of me so you're not always a place behind me."

"What?!" Victoria runs to catch up with her and stands in front of her to stop her, "Listen to yourself, you even sound like Eva. I'm happy to always come a place behind you because I know you are a better skater than me, but we agreed to achieve our dream together."

"Move," Alyssia growls, trying to push past her but Victoria steps back with her.

"No, your dad is right, you need help. Eva's bullying and manipulation has twisted your brain so much that you don't know what's right or wrong anymore," Victoria doesn't see coming and she takes one more step back to put some distance between them stepping into the road.

Alyssia saw it coming and so do the people outside the rink, they try to warn Victoria but it happens so quickly.

"Move!" Alyssia screeches, crashing into Victoria, pushing her out of the way, taking the full impact of an oncoming car.

Anita and Jodie cry out seeing the car hit them, Victoria bounces off the side of the car and it goes over her leg but Alyssia's body goes up and over the car, collapsing onto the ground behind the car.

The speeding car drove off and Brian raced over to Alyssia while Roger checks Victoria.

Alyssia feels her world spinning, pain through her entire body. She vaguely sees her dad's face above her, telling her to hold on, then shouts for someone to call an ambulance before everything goes black.

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