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Going forward Alyssia is now Erin but the Queen family will still refer to her as Alyssia. So scenes that are in America with Alyssia herself and Tina in, Alyssia is Erin but British scenes that have Brian, Anita, Freddie, etc... Alyssia is Alyssia. I hope that makes sense?


It's been a week since Alyssia's disappeared and the search for her has hit a wall. DCI Brookes and her team have tracked the woman and Alyssia to the nearest tube station but that is where they lose them.

The information is now in all the newspapers, missing person posters have been put up around London and Surrey and it's a daily feature on the news. The police nationwide have also been alerted to keep a lookout for them

With so much being done to find Alyssia, it's irritating that no new evidence has come to light. Brian, Roger and even John have spent the last week just driving around London and some of the areas around it looking for her.

Everyone in the Queen family now keeps an eye out for her anywhere they go.

Roger phoned his Mum and sister, Brian rang his mum, Anita rang her parents, anyone they know that lives in the UK, they've asked them to keep an eye out for her. And still, they've had nothing back.

With every day that passes, Anita and Brian lose a bit more hope of finding her. The biggest concern is that Alyssia is dead but no one wants to say that out aloud.

Neither Brian nor Anita have an interest in working at the moment, Alyssia has only been missing a week but it feels like months for them.

Anita spends a lot of her time either watching the news or in Alyssia's bedroom and Brian is either on the phone talking to DCI Brookes for any new information or walking the streets of London in hope that he might see them.

He was on his way back to the house when he noticed Brookes car parked outside the house. He rushes inside, Brookes is sitting opposite Anita in the living room, "Have you found something?" He asks sitting next to Anita.

"We have found some CCTV footage of Alyssia in the woman's arms, at Heathrow airport an hour after the kidnapping."

"The airport? How would the woman get Alyssia on a plane without a passport?"

"The woman that took Alyssia created a fake passport, we aren't sure at this moment in time why it wasn't spotted. But what we do know is that this wasn't a spur of the moment kidnapping, the woman who took your daughter had been planning it."

Brookes pulls out some CCTV photos of the woman clad in black coming into the hotel, "We're yet to identify the woman but we captured her on CCTV coming into the hotel, she caused a distraction at the reception and obtained a key to your room. That's how she got into your room in the first place, not through the window as originally thought. Following the CCTV backwards from when she arrived at the hotel, she had been near the studio where you were filming earlier that day. She knew you were at the hotel because she followed the car there. While eating, the woman retreated to a house nearby where she rented a room."

"Wouldn't her name be on the agreement papers?" Brian tries to pick out anything that the police might have missed.

"That's what we hoped but she agreed to pay a higher amount for the room per month as long as there were no questions asked or paperwork signed and she gave a false name. There was very little evidence in the room, most of it had been burnt in a fire outback, the only things we found were what she used to make the passport." Brookes shows them the photos the forensic team captured.

"This woman, whoever she is knew what she was doing. The owners of the room reported that the woman came back burned any paperwork she had then scrubbed the entire room top to bottom before leaving only the months rent, this woman knew not to leave any fingerprints. When she left the house she came straight back to the hotel, dumped the stuff she needed in a nearby bush and went back into the hotel."

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